
This joke deserves more stars.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I expected even worse.

Time is a flat circle :(


I don’t know why anyone is surprised. Trump said repeatedly during the campaign that he would “take out the families” of terrorists or suspected terrorists. Never mind that it’s a war crime, that this kid was fucking EIGHT, or that when you indiscriminately kill children, it tends to galvanize the other side against

I like the SEALS that weren’t killed. Sad.

I can’t wait for all the BENGHAZI! people to not talk about this. Ever.

“Opera is on a failing network and disonest media lier. So sad”

And the rest of the Republicans are doing everything they can to shield him.

Ted Cruz to me still tops the list of shameless spinelesss shitbags.

2.1 million people liked that Kylie Jenner post. 448k have signed the White House petition to have Donald’s taxes released.

I call them Boring and Botox.

Yeah I recognized your name and thought, “this doesn’t seem right”.

I think you just identified the next Executive Order...

Let’s be real, if he thought he could use them as slave labor in his hotels, he’d take them.

I am in the greys, but since we are talking about bengals, I am adopting this little princess on Saturday and cannot contain my joy! She’s half siamese half bengal and I have named her Leia, please enjoy the gif

I thought she was being goofy, maybe having fun with the kids. Who cares, her faces didn’t hurt or deport anyone. Now more than ever, we need Winona’s goofy faces!