
Not sure that's an F-16. From the size compared to the F-15, it looks more like a Japanese Mitsubishi F-2.

As a cynical armchair internet troll. MAYBE!!!

A lot of people have asked what the cars ended up looking like afterwards, so I made a little album just now for all of you to enjoy:

Reminds me of my first real job back in 89. The owner of the trucking company had a restored 1951 Kenworth in the fleet. It was his first truck FROM back in the 50's. The only difference was it had an updated big-cam 350 in it and a 13 speed instead of a five and a four brownie, but he still had the original

I'm glad they're doing this, along with inflatable seatbelts.

1998 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe, silver


Now playing

Here in 'Murica, we don't even bother unhooking the trailer when we jump our semis.

Seems legit.

poppycock. i use TPC solvent and a wire BBQ brush on my sensor and i take pitchers real good.

You should put some DuraLube in that bitch first.

Start a stop motion video podcast filmed on someone else's in home security camera?

I've wondered something, as a surgeon. (Under the cover of relative internet anonymity, NOT trying to be creepy or inappropriate, just morbidly curious...) Patients often try to get abdominoplasties (tummy-tucks) and insurance will practically never cover such cosmetic surgery. Sometimes, after major weight loss,

If he used a dimmer knob, would that make it like a CVT?

here's the problem I see with trying to take the blame away from GM on this one. GM has to tell someone what VIN's are covered in the recall. Somewhere at the top some guy has to decide that VIN 1gmxxxxxxx01 - 1gmxxxxxxxxx99 are covered under the recall. All that had to happen would be to add in something that said

And so passes the chapter that made Gizmodo 'famous'. The lingering taste of banned shall forever stay

"...the tower actually fell the way they planned and the flying debris somehow avoided their path"

These flying cars cost over $100k and require at least 20 hours flight instruction, passing a written test, and a rather grueling check ride to get a Sport Pilot certificate. Most of those people would get bored and/or run out of money long before that.