
That's what happens when someone like Denton, who is undoubtably skilled in many areas, decides he must be equally skilled in user interface design and pushes his vision through without being told that he sucks at it. He's got the money, he's in charge, it's his playground - but it sucks.

Which is why I've been viewing [and commenting on] Gawker blogs via the /?tiger=off trick. Fuck you, Kinja's chud baby.

That is what I'm thinking. I know Nick Denton is pushing for "unique" viewers but I wonder if losing regular commenters is being considered.

It's probably because this update is confusing and hard to follow.

Alissa, an off-topic question if you don't mind:

I have no idea what she just said. Way too much concentraded on staring.

i should fine myself for watching that garbage

Actually not that "shitty" of a movie...if you like action movies.

The Godfather. I just don't care. :-/

and it's equipped with humbuckers.

The only problem we've had with our 11 is air leaking from the tires

Who's hands are those on Jason Schwartzman there? I mean, I like how his sort of self-consciously made his portrait resemble a Victorian era funerary shot, but no way are those mits are his hands, they look like the hands of a middle-aged construction worker.

4. Will this purchase help me get laid?

There, fixed it.

330 knots = 611 km/h

One more...must go back to work.

when you switch to cable you end up watching Street Outlaws.

The Desktop is legacy mode. Windows 8 native apps, searching, many control panel interfaces, and such run full screen and you have to pull down from the top with your mouse to close it. Microsoft is encouraging developers to make native windows apps like this, making the way of the desktop a thing of the past. So

Now playing

Kingsley and Strong may be bad... But are they pushing little girls off their chairs bad?

yeah, a couple of these and they'd have been set.