guy fieri's intern

It is a damn shame that certain portions of the medical field are particularly susceptible to medical misinformation and conspiracy theories. It’s that dangerous land of knowing more than the general population, but not the next hump of knowing exactly how little you actually know about a field. 

I’m annoyed for Anna Marie on behalf of Jewish women everywhere. 

To someone who is anti vax, at this point, nothing is going to sound good to them. They booed trump at the mere suggestion that maybe they could use their freedom to possibly think that getting vaccinated isn’t the worst idea. They can all get bent at this point.

The quality of analysis here has really tanked since the days of Lindy and company. So many bad takes.

We were always going to get to this point. Every epidemic in US history that has ended was ended with mandatory vaccinations.

Are you blaming Biden for the Tuskegee experiments?

Antivaxxers and antimaskers are not “a

As a former PA resident now living in Seattle. Come here my friend. You will lose your shit. I’m not a road rager and I lose my shit regularly, mostly at the head up the ass/no concept of what they’re doing. There is virtually no concept off ‘left lane is fast lane’. Just went back home, and PA is one of the best for

Tom is too scrupulous to say it, so I will: hire Tom to get you a fair deal. Money well spent and you can guarantee you won’t get screwed.

People who tailgate you, while you try to enjoy a really twisty road, their giant SUV has no business being on.

“Why be a bitch”

At the very least, this is all clearly very unplanned and he went on the show to announce it because the paparazzi was all over them. To say that must be very stressful to someone who has had the year he's had is an understatement. Congratulations to them and it's nothing to be upset over, but I did have to cringe a

Out here in Antivaxxistan our freedumbs include: the right to drive a rusted out David Tracy wet-dream-mobile spewing pollution without the inconvenience of a government inspection; the right to camp in the left lane (in a tent if we want); the right to finish texting or posting to the ‘Gram through one entire light

Never ending construction

You mean the men in power could have eliminated rape all this time and they're just now getting started on it?

He remains president of the Colorado Fraternal Order Of Police.

Yeah no.

I’m sure I’m not going to change your mind - but on a global scale CNN and CNBC are slightly right of center. There’s nothing that could be called “left wing” by global standards.

But the GOP and Fox have pushed the Overton Window so far to the right over the past decades that a lot of people accept that a corporate,

with modern medicine the way it is, it’s inevitable that it will become one”

Some random thoughts:

Anti-woman. They are anti-woman. 

You sure know how to insult your straw men! It must be difficult dragging all the rest of us into the future, but such is the lot of super-genius sex-gods that shitpost on the internet.

Boomers are pretty bad about actually retiring when it’s time in my experience. That means industries with lots of Boomers didn’t make room for younger workers as Boomers hit their 60's because a lot of them wanted to keep working. Boomers were also the first generation to go through a lot of divorces, which made them