guy fieri's intern

For the sake of clarity, not necessarily a “defense”: she probably didn’t “go” to anyone seeking attention. She was most likely pursued by Bari Fucking Weiss to go on her podcast to complain about how bad things are for racist white people. That’s the Bari Fucking Weiss modus operandi.  Look her up, and prepare to

Let’s not forget these staffing shortages were caused by laying off their staff the minute it was legal to do so after taking $50bn in bailouts.

It’s possible for things to be both bad and overly prosecuted.

Oh, yikes, man. Bad take.

Well, the New York Times Editorial Board regularly gives column space to the likes of Ross Douchehat and Maureen Dowd, so it hasn’t really changed that much at all.

The immediate reason she pulled out was she started experiencing what gymnasts call “the twisties”, which means they lose the awareness of where their body is in space during a skill. Google it. Imagine doing a double flip 10 ft in the air and losing the sense of which way is up or down. That’s one of the primary

Hi, Folks! Mod Motor Guy, the shop owner checking in again!

Dealership is in the wrong. Allow me to explain my shop’s insurance policy, and you will soon see....

1. General liability - this is EXACTLY as it sounds. If I am out driving your car for whatever reason, be it a test drive, a delivery, or anything general

Before I was a 46 year old dad who drives 3 miles out of the way to save 20 cents per gallon at Costco (the math still works out)... I’d say I was pulled over about 15 times for speeding. Anywhere from 15 to 35 mph over the limit. Not once was I ever asked to get out of the car (or subjected to any search).

Boys were never really encouraged to take those classes (you took shop classes instead)

I’d allow it. When I hear a vehicle is “built to last” I always think it’s meant in a mechanical sense.

You won’t see me arguing that a rape threat is okay if the person being threatened sucks. You will see me say that using a threatening message to misgender people and suggest that transgender people are really just a bunch of violent men is a deeply fucked up thing for a woman this famous to say when transgender

I was gonna go with a “Your mom’s buttplug” joke but I guess actually IDing it works too.

Snapped this picture on my way home from work a few years ago. 

Every car I own runs. The Boxster is currently in pieces, but it’s inside my garage. If you don’t know, keep my name out ya mouth.

“you better make haste, do what she says or catch a serious beatdown.”

I nominate you for governor of Georgia. 

Not sure why they’re tearing it down, now that the road is closed just hit it with a truck going the other direction

David, your passion and enthusiasm is easy to see in your writing and keeps me coming back to jalopnik.

Have you ever seen a man recoil at needing to hold a woman’s purse for literally 10 seconds while she puts on a jacket? Imagine this person choosing to spend 400 pages inhabiting a woman’s thoughts.

Worse than distracted driving?