guy fieri's intern

The whole video is heartbreaking. The treatment of this poor girl made me cry last night. She lives in what sounds like a horrific atmosphere at home. Dad regularly punches mom, put her in a headlock so mom stabbed him (according to mom). Mom has no capacity to deal with an abusive man and a terrified 9 year old girl.

First job was delivering newspapers (remember those?) in my little town in South Jersey. I started with 20-25 customers, grew the route to 35-40 and eventually took over the route next to mine as well for a total of 80 daily customers and 100+ Sundays.

Has anyone heard of Mystic Seaport? It’s living history museum, whaling times, boat building, scenes were shot there for the movie Amistad. My first summer job was there, I was one of the people who got dress up in old timey outfits! Sounds great right? My 16 year old self was all ready to imagine myself as a tragic

I barely know shit about F1, aside from the fact that Lewis Hamilton is a beast, but I fucking loooooove that show 

This is what I found proved true after many years of office work: there are three ways to get hired — know someone, be a complete bullshitter, or be qualified. It’s split pretty evenly which means that 2/3 of the workforce isn’t really qualified for their jobs. And of course the higher-paying jobs have the biggest

Boy oh boy is this a timely topic for me personally! Miserable coworker finally left recently after being a complete rotten apple and threatening to leave for 2+ years. This person was just the worst in every possible way and even if I wrote you an entire essay it wouldn’t fully capture it. I’ll stick to the

Trump lacks the cognitive faculties to weigh those options. Everything he does is transactional, and he doesn’t recognise other people as actual human beings. They’re tools to be used and discarded. After all that his faithful pet Ghouliani has done, he still failed to overturn the election, so Trump has kicked his

This is a horrible thing to say about someone who is probably mentally ill, but the only thing that made my sister stop or go away was violence.

When I was in my late twenties, I felt like my life was crashing. I already had a suicide attempt notched and I was self-harming on a near daily basis. I finally worked up the nerve to see a therapist. It took me about a year to tell her about the abuse I grew up with but I held it together. That was my thing. Never

i just think jezebel didn’t look much into it. there’s too much going on with the whole attempted coup and politics right now. they just glanced at some unverified dms of some colorful sexts and that was it.

Thanks for that info. I was one of those people who was thinking it may be kink-shaming, but I hadn’t looked into the story.
Now, I’m going to!

Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film

They hate a black man more than they love affordable health care, livable wage and accessible green grocery stores.

“News articles from the past five years depicting the plight of the down-and-out Southerner with no recourse but Trump are bullshit. They’re enjoying this. It’s the day they’ve been waiting for.”

It’s funny how they’re pro-life until they’re beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher. 

This person is the perfect example of modern American conservatism. She’s a liar. Nothing she said is based in fact. Does she believe her own lies? Maybe. Maybe she is that delusional. It’s all still a lie. And this is where we are now. The right will say absolutely any bullshit to further their fascist worldview. All

This is what so many don’t understand. I had to explain why it is still important to my friends last night that removal is coming regardless, but this strips him of his benefits and makes it so he can never hold office again.

Lest you think we don’t have such crap in this country, here’s a list of the shit I heard and read on magazine covers when I was pregnant:

If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford that car.

This is really bad advice.