
Wanda Sykes!

And Leisha Hailey was kd lang’s girlfriend back in the day.

Let’s see. Clea Duvall was also with Camilla Grey who left her for bandmate Leisha Hailey who was once with KD Lang.

wondered how many beautiful lesbian entertainment industry powerhouses there are to go around in this particular circle.

Best lesson I learned in 7th grade, never travel to someone elses neighborhood to fight them. If you can’t lure them to your block, beat them up on the bus (or some other neutral territory).

One of my favorite Faux News-isms is when Megyn Kelly’s “news” show started in 10', the “We give you both sides of the argument” soundbite plays in the intro and then flashes to what Jon Stewart described as “smiling Jesus man” being yell at by “some angry liberal nose-ring bitch”.

I was waiting for you guys to write about this...Duca handled herself so well considering she was being screamed at by a legitimate psycho

There’s nothing better than being an educated woman and being mansplained to because you dare to have more than one interest (fashion, politics)! Can’t possibly be both, I guess! And the kicker? If a woman looks terrible, they’ll tell her to brush up on her fashion. Fuck these men.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.

Is that the same room as the family portrait with the stuffed lion? because wow, all of the proportions are wrong. The ceiling is way too low for that broke-baroque crap. Those columns look like his fingers — short and girthy.

Melania can wear the FUCK out of a suit though.

My god. It’s a Rococo nightmare.

“Trump’s just an idiot with no sense of aesthetics”

Nah, it’s not just that he’s fat. I’m fat, and a $600 made-to-measure suit makes me look plenty sharp.

Oversexualized but then also told that they are ugly. It’s fucking ridiculous.

I understand your issue but this is not a sexualized image. She’s not licking her lips or biting them; her mouth is closed in a relaxed position. We should absolutely criticize sexualized images of women’s bodies but we can’t assume automatically that any cropped image of a woman is inherently sexual, especially those

Aw shit winner you beat me to it. RESPECK.

How is a picture of lips with lipstick on them sexualized? There’s nothing sexual about that photo.

I’m a thin white girl with full lips and a big bottom and this whole cultural moment - including ragging on the kardashians, who *bought* their Black features and are called trashy for it- is making me feel like I’m ripping off black culture just by existing. I honesty feel awkward as hell as a white woman (not the