Me too.
Me too.
I hate this little motherfucker so much.
Tyra loves the cruel to be kind, or whatever. And that one with the shitty attitude should not have stayed.
No “Pants on the Ground”?
I find Chastain insufferable.
“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”
I saw a show with Dela on Sunday and there was a chance at the end to talk to her. I panicked and walked past her so I wouldn’t terrify her with I LOVE YOU I WANT TO BE YOU YOU’RE SO PRETTY AND TALENTED AND OMG BE MY FRIEND
Well I’m glad you’re all acknowledging our greatness.
Yes! Katherine is the best name! It’s solid and traditional, but has 50 billion nicknames/alternate spellings so you can totally make it match who you are! As a holder of said name, I use one version professionally, one socially, and one with my ride or die people. (In other words, it’s great for people who…
Kat Kaling. Great name. They are going to have so much fun together! After the baby starts sleeping and before she is in middle school.
Are we really still doing that “ANTM produces no top models” thing that is only said by people who don’t actually know anything about modeling? Sorry, that was probably super-bitchy, but do you really not know how well Leila Goldkuhl has done for herself? Fatima, Duckie, Ebonee?
no i’m saying i don’t really want to speculate about when someone lost their virginity so i just went with 24.
So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?
Those Christmas decorations. Not to my taste. Almost certainly overpriced. However, I would definitely shell out for someone to take down and put away my decorations come January, so...fair enough, Kylie.
I hate to break it to you, but women get catcalled regardless of their attire. I’ve been catcalled while wearing a formless sweatsuit that made me look like Grimace. Men catcall because it’s a gross power move, not because the woman is dressed immodestly.
I wish I was Muslim so it would be more acceptable for me to wear modest clothing to keep those fucking pig men from catcalling me.
Should’ve got 37000 years.
It’s crazy that Feldman was interviewed by known sexual assaulter Matt Lauer over Feldman’s alleged abusers.