Yes! I have a tiny crush on Haden for a bit everytime I see the film. Still one of my go to movies just becuase of him
Yes! I have a tiny crush on Haden for a bit everytime I see the film. Still one of my go to movies just becuase of him
My mom said the exact same thing! She also told me that she would yell out names when she was pregnant with me, her first, and did both girl and boy names of course. I was a surprise! By the third kid I think she gave up the test- she was probably too exhausted to even care
She was the cutest baby there too!
My cousin turned one year old today.
do you?
What the fuck are boneless wings? That is a nugget, stop trying to make it seem like it is an adult food
He and Larry David should join up and start a “ Bald Assholes” ( that is a joke from curb your enthusiasm to the people who dont watch) campaign to raise awareness on baldness, both male and female, and use the platform to dismantle stereotypes and stigmas attached to baldness. I am for it.
He should just take the plunge and shave it all off. I know liberal ideas aren’t a strong suit to the “Windsors” but hey he might feel less worried about maintaining the two hairs in his head
Is Jezebel going to soon report on the Ontario’s police force arrest of over a 100 men in a child prostitution ring? I feel like I heard of this story recently over some local and regional news outlets but nothing much has come out since. I hope it doesn’t fall into the oblivion.
i wish i was you but damn i had to be born a straight catholic girl who has a strong maternal instinct. You are so fucking lucky!
the weird thing is that the people we are reading about are just like us: commentaries. literally anyone can be famous now
honestly gym sucked so much. but it was only until after highschool did i learn to like running.
Is Titis a word for aunt? It must be right? I thought at first you meant 32 titties but that didn’t make any sense.
mandatory in grade nine ( I fucking hated it) but optional in grade 10, 11, and 12
my little sister liked it but she just turned thirteen. In like seven or eight years she will look back on some books and quite possibly this one too and wonder why she bothered in the first place. I have done the same too but I don’t regret reading them either. Perhaps this book will make her question if mental…
its already arrived. it could of trickled back up because i see these shirts all the time for several years, like the obama “hope’ shirt. this girl wore a shirt saying “ this shirt could get me arrested’ or something like that and when my historian prof asked for further explanation, she stated it was because there…
Last year i met a girl who was shocked to find out a vulva has a separate hole for pee. She thought the vaginal opening functioned also to pee, I swear i am not making this up. Keep in mind the school systems defiantly taught sex education from grade 4 to grade 9 and even longer if you chose to take gym throughout…
Very good observation that these restrictive and repressive attitudes and ideas are still not eroded from our daily lives. Pence is a key figure to why people fight against others who fail to recognize that their bodies, their mind, and their sexuality is natural and not indecent.
Isn’t it also frustrating that Life Magazinee had to fight for the right of free speech as well? Especially on a topic that is so very natural and a necessary process for every human lifeforms. I am struggling to even put my shoes in their head when it was called indecent. So glad I was not alive during that time.
the last meal is defiantly going to define the backwardness of our time period like how the guillotine was considered an effective and humane method of execution.