Pinkie Fisticuffs

“What do black people need before they can move forward?”

Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James Loewen.

It’s funnier when you someone eat it!

the most important artistic autistic news of the last decade”

Truly a cautionary tale for today’s youth!

The first time I ever saw Al Yankovic was Grad Nite ‘84 at Disney World. It was a great time and he did an awesome show.

Please don’t reproduce.  

I vaguely remember one critic referring to it as “The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre”.  

Welcome to my sad little world.  I’ve spent decades explaining that “She Works Hard For The Money”  is about a prostitute.  

By “Sideways-related merchandise”, I assume you meant “wine”.  

Disagree.  I enjoyed Antz but I found the story pretty boring even as I watched it, because it was so terribly obvious how every single detail of the story was going to play out.  A Bug’s Life is good storytelling, but Antz is not.  

I saw Antz in the theater and enjoyed it, but never thought much beyond that.  The whole thing is a glorified sitcom, with lazy humor and a pat and obvious storyline.  I remember it primarily for being the only time Woody Allen would be an action hero.  

As clumsily-constructed supporting character with no real interiority, I resent your criticism.  You don’t get to judge me just because you’re interesting.  

What a shitty world this is. The guy gets to make a dream project and does a great job . . . and it destroys his career.

Is there any credible artistic take on this other than “staggeringly self-indulgent”?

Beat me to it by mere minutes, Nilus.

Shoving an Irishman up his ass will make him a rock star?   Is this Bono in particular, or will any Irishman suffice?  

That is awesome.  

(Note to self - do not invite Praxinoscope to the “Jail The Gay Japanese” rally next month)

I am unsurprised that Zod did not watch a movie featuring Superman.