Pinkie Fisticuffs

You want giant raccoon dog testicles that badly? Here’s the guy to hook you up.

Hence the cloning.

“They’re hoping to get Guttenberg.”

It will survive Trump . . . it will just be much weaker, more dysfunctional, and have fewer friends and less influence.

“Elementary research would have shown that he was influenced more by white singers such as Dean Martin and Mario Lanza and preferred ballads to rock’n’roll.”

I’m just nostalgic for when the US government was against Nazis in general.

Be sure to stay for the ‘stinger’ scene after the credits . . . .

Make Moronica Moronic Again!

The Shortstop Was A Campaign Manager

High expectations met with disappointment . . . welcome to adulthood. 

“I feel like there hasn’t been a Western since that didn’t emphasize how nasty, brutal and often short life was in the old west.”

These movies are high in fiber?  Digital tech has come so far!

I would politely suggest that they do a poor job of maintaining continuity in scenes featuring meals.
Ha!  Take that!

You’re so analytical. Sometimes you just have to let art wash over you . . . .

Cooked or uncooked?  This stuff matters. 

I’ll just rewatch Cimino’s The Idearhunter. 

Yes, but does he like a little shop? 

“I will undoubtedly see this movie, and just as undoubtedly think a bit less of myself for enjoying it.”

You still watch films that were shot for $70 in black & white in France?

“If they successfully blend in Gymkata with Jurassic Park . . . “