Pink Floyd Mayweather III

Could—and I know I’m being absolutely overly abiding to assert any strategy, but hear me out—that have been a covert threat? Since rescinding military aid was on the table, he wou blatantly just put out there on camera that Zelensky and Putin could “work things out,” in the form of a mafia protection racket threat.

America as the couple: the guy is Trump, the woman is “faith in democratic institutions and processes” (let’s say, Lady Liberty for sake of metaphor).

“I’ve made a huge mistake.”

Which coke? Because you didn’t capitalize, and also, with one, you’re probably going to be first in line at your brunch spot of choice, but you probably won’t be able to eat anything...which makes it the perfect breakfast substitute.

If you can stand a (probably nominal, in your field) pay decrease, look into jobs at a university with a substantial endowment, especially in the treasurer’s office or office of investments — or depending on your experience, maybe even financial aid.

New Orleans is my absolute second favorite city, and that’s only by virtue of my extreme homerism. Scheduling my third trip for November. Obviously a first timer has to hit up Bourbon Street/the French Quarter in general—and it is fun as hell, screw anyone decrying the experience—but hope you had time to get over to

A myth used to scare schoolchildren and gullible folk?

You’re right, but I have to let it go first to make sure.

His trigger warning is more of a fuse instead.

Dude...fuck yeah.

Had a good office-unfriendly snort at “HR Talk Live.” And trust, if I weren’t living it, I would not believe it myself. I like to surround myself with/read about people in much worse jobs to ground myself about how shitty labor actually can be in America, because I’m in a real bubble.

Not surprised per se, but still befuddled by the contortions people can twist themselves into.

Ditto; I have my frustrations, as anyone does, but ultimately, it’s a great job at a great place. On that vacation front, I technically have upwards of ~46(!) days per year - a bank of 24, plus 2 days accrued per month. So I were to clear out my bank with a 5-day vacation every month for the first 5 months, I would

I thought I rec’d because it was a funny comment, anyway. Stupid new Kinja.

I am in the .0001% of people who really, really, really loves their job, and I am always “on” — since I do creative work (writing), even when I’m not in the office, I’m still thinking up and jotting down ideas.

I’m sure “this high school football coach in Arkansas” is the only official requirement this administration requires to be a circuit court judge or Secretary of Education.

And shooting dirty cam vids...I mean, what, no I don’t know anything about those sites. this for real? jesus...

It was a pretty egregious fuckup. He deserves to be called out.

Right here with you, buddy. I actually accrue more than I use or can bank and have to take days off when I don’t actually want to.