Pink Floyd Mayweather III

This is one of the many cases where the evasion and subterfuge cause more of an issue than there would be if they just answered honestly or directly. They want to bury the story and end up creating a whole new element to the story, somewhat akin to the Streisand effect.

If its so simple, why don’t they just say that instead of hemming and hawing and stonewalling?

Tap a QB on the head? That’s 15 yards, tough guy.

Just imagine if he gotten tapped on the helmet while trying to throw the ball! Why, such savagery does not belong in this sport!

And we started from our hotel in the FQ! At least we stumbled into a street parade halfway there, and then another street festival after the initial disappointment. 

We have a whole presidential administration that provides a blueprint for how to deny truth.

Well, maybe if it were Neymar...

I’m return favor, continue good human communication, yes?

Wow, this is truly an Olympic-level long jump of logic.

Once again, a soccer story that ends with no scoring.

“I won’t answer any questions about any off the field issues.”

He started Brown with the accusations plainly known, so it’s completely fair to ask him questions about Brown’s status and role going forward, as well as about the culture he is cultivating with the decision he makes around using players in such compromising positions, which were the general bases of the questions he

I usually wouldn’t have, but my girlfriend and I were trying to go to Willie Mae’s, except it was closed on Sunday, and we just happened upon Parkway after a looooong walk in the hot sun to find something else to eat. And then she got sick by the time we finally got to the front of the line. It was damn near a

Man, Serby slathered enough extra dipshit on his haughty dipshit column to deplete the New York metropolitan area for at least 12 seconds.

Probably the only place in the world that I would say was almost worth standing in an hour+ line for.

I’m just going to assume that everyone taking the headline/thesis seriously has never read anything on this site before.

Username does not check out.

It’s a much more interesting approach than the standard “great career retrospectivemost will write upon these occasions.

I recently suffered a couple of injuries directly at the juncture of ribcage and stomach, and certain movements seem to tear the scabbing apart, so I literally busted my gut laughing at this.

Let Go I remember, gonna check out The Stars Are Indifferent (great title!) today. Thanks for the rec and co-sign!