Pink Floyd Mayweather III

Holy fuck, that is capital T Tragic. I can only imagine the alumni base is not vast—let alone wealthy—enough to pull them out of this (seemingly) entirely undeserved mess. And, by default, it would only get worse, as explained in the tweet.

Didn’t you get the memo? It’s 2019, and weighing differing points of an issue of social consequence is just so pre-21st century.

I’m black, and I’m not even my own black friend.

From one writer to another, hear hear all the way up and down.

Wasn’t that last bit—about everyone being mixed—a sort-of-thing that came about after we passed the event-horizon of the home genetic tests hype?

Man, that is A+ commenting.

It’s the role he’s been preparing for his whole life.

Ugh, that’s such a chilling thought, though grotesquely beautiful in its own way.

Heat Twitter is BLOWING UP with people going in on Mark Cuban and digging up the deadest horse of the ‘06 Finals.

It all has to do with their new marketing campaign:

Yeah, but likely against their will, because, you know...

Literally nothing about him ages well.

Because the story feels good, maaaan.

The fuck?

Only if you look back!

That story should probably make me laugh about how pathetic he is, but it just makes me sad.

The thing that really broke me was seeing a white suburban woman hailed as a “marijuana entrepreneur” in a newspaper. I just about lost my shit, mentally, thinking about how this term would never, ever be used for the poor and/or minority weed dealers before legalization became en vogue. 

I’m just looking forward to seeing what Cash Considerations amounts to in a few years. You might say I'm highly interested wink wink

Let me tell you something about the Sixers’ draft...