Pink Eye of Horus

It shouldn’t have been so easy to do something so “wrongly” in a game all about your freedom. This is the first time since the early 90s playing Sierra games where it’s ever seemed necessary to quit and reload an old save.

So when is this coming out for VR?

Put it in VR or I’m not going

All these years of watching ST TNG and I thought the “NCC-1701-D” meant that it was the Enterprise-D not the Enterprise-C, especially since “Yesterday’s Enterprise” featured the Enterprise-C.

Lawn darts always just bring me back to how quickly the government could ban them but in a country with daily school shootings there’s suddenly nothing that can be done.

Came here to point out that there’s a toilet shown on the Razor Crest in Mandalorian, and then I see you mentioned that in the piece. You clearly know that Jedi Survivor’s toilet isn’t the first canonical toilet in Star Wars. 

SVCs, STATCOMS, capacitors banks - we have plenty of modern equipment to push VARs.

Just more proof of who the real snowflakes are.

Second to not needing a lot of space. I played half of Alyx seated in a chair, using the same amount of space I use for any of my gaming.

If “what makes it great” is the gimmick format, then it’s not a great game

“The Best VR Game Doesn’t Require VR Anymore”

This is like if Nintendo released a non-Wii Remote version of Wii Sports. Sure, it’d be functional and maybe fun (kinda?) but it removes all of what makes it great and basically defeats the whole purpose of it existing in the first place.

I was confused for a second why that game is named “AAA Clock” until I realized with that naming it would appear at the very beginning of an alphabetical search. 

Yeah, but what would that cost, 10 dollars?

What does 70% below normal mean?

“Daaaay-toooona.... Daaaay-toooona” etc... still burned in my head. I could hear it calling from half-way across the local arcade over all the other sounds, incessantly singing when no one was playing it. I was probably playing Crazy Taxi. 

I don’t think that’s it. There’s got to be some Other Metroid game we’re missing...but baby, I just can’t think of it.

This whole article and you can’t bother to list a single example of a valuable $2 bill?

Newsflash - if your $2 bill is from 1976 and NEWER - It’s worth $2. MAYBE you can convince some sucker to pay more for a CRISP 1976 $2 bill, or if it has a unique serial # (binary, trinary, birthdate) they are worth more but that

Your adorable two. Blame autocorrect :-)

Dopamine powered motivation is not consciousness. We still don’t know what consciousness is. To paraphrase Feynman, anyone who claims to understand consciousness is either lying or crazy. That includes you, author.

I’ve never met anyone who agrees with me but Double Dash, in my humble opinion, belongs at the very bottom of the list. Every single thing about that one felt off to me’ right on down to the physics. Drifting felt especially bad to me. It's the only Mario Kart game that I haven't enjoyed.