Pink Eye of Horus

So Clip is a personal dashcam that will get you punched but probably miss taking a picture of your attacker?

I understand it too but the offerings on All Access are pathetic and I won’t be subscribing for more than a month when the season ends, they only offer a weeks free trial BTW. I would love to support Star Trek and I hope it succeeds but I’m not paying $6 a month for a single show on a regular basis. Perhaps I’ll buy

I came here for this. Was disappoint.

Weird topic: as a leftie I have the uncanny “superpower” to identify a fellow leftie. One thing I notice often in movies, etc, it seems that a popular way to make something feel “other” is to make them leftie, as if to differentiate them from all of you normals. The weirder part is that once identified I instantly

This is extremely relevant to me personally because today I passed the Weinermobile driving North on I-95 only 5 hours ago... Fistbump?

It is obviously a snowball in a mitten.

I think this snowball is too big for the Senate floor but I hope the impact it has is scalable in size.

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain”

I play this in my Vive, I don’t know if I could keep the thing on for this. Awesome video!

.... I’ve seen weirder dildos. The strap-on looks nice.

Excellent idea! Need implantable model for wife and kids.

I’ve found that unplugging this phone/rj45 cable disables the tv completely.... guess there are a lot of options for hotels

I watch a movie theater-sized curved screen in my Vive with 3D content if available. It’s awesome. But I’ll never willingly buy a curved or 3D TV.

For the tvs with locked out ports I’ll unplug the cable box from it and insert my hdmi from the laptop to the same port, has worked every time. You need to leave the phone cable from the cable box to the tv in place and keep it powered on. Annoying as hell.

And yet no Portkins or Wedge.

His seeming indecision even to the last second and then astonishment directly after still has me thinking: did Han activate the light saber himself? Possibly as an Obi Wan style self sacrifice? Please tell me I’m the only one who’s wrestling with this and I’ll move on.

Whether Kylo killed his father or Han activated the light saber himself, Han knew he was committing suicide by walking out there. From his experience he knows that his sacrifice may eventually lead to Kylo’s redemption just as Obi Wan’s self sacrifice greatly influenced Luke and himself. He knew Kylo wasn’t mature

I can’t get over how the guy setting up his Vive will later write a bad review about bad tracking issues because he didn’t put his lighthouses high enough. I really need to get out of VR more.

This is how I heard it in my head.

I don’t think his writing is bad, trying to figure out what’s going on is fun. Primer was logical but Upstream not so much, I felt like a kid watching one of my dad’s movies. Stories aside, I really liked Primer and I did like Upstream Color just not for the same reasons or to the same degree. It’s not the type of