
Mississippi welcomes you to the Cult of AC.

So.........the non-stop Hiddlefetish I’ve been surrounded by for the past couple of years is limited to just my corner of the internet, then, is it?

Mississippi joins this dissent, and further warns that attempts to take our air conditioning will be met with violence.

For me, the answer is yes to both of those questions. :( I’m sorry you went through that, and I hope things are better in your life now.

Maybe it’s my life experiences, but that didn’t sound like a taunt to me. That sounded like a desperate plea.

^^YES...this right here. There are two big things we need to know about a person before they handle a gun...are they violent, or do they have unrealistic ideas of what a gun can and can’t do. If they have a history of violent outbursts, or if they use a gun as a power placebo, THEY SHOULDN’T OWN ONE.

(Nevermind...found the comments below.)

And the website is broken for my favorite UK retailer. *tears*

This is how I took it, too. No matter how crappy the actor is as a human being, the character has its own existence.

It’s about time. I love him and would have loved to have him as my president, but I’m so ready for him to rein in all the crazy. I hope it’s not too late.

I’ve got some supertight Danskin shortshorts from Walmart...can barely feel them, plus it’s protection from upskirt creepers.

I sent a picture of this product to a friend LITERALLY YESTERDAY so she can pack some for her Disney World trip. I was not expecting to see it come unbidden across my screen today.

Controllers don’t stop controlling. If he was able to control her psychologically, he might not have had to resort to physical violence, but that wouldn’t make her any less abused. Abuse changes you mentally. It changes your thought patterns and reactions. You do what your partner wants because you don’t want to

Even without a learning disability, I can’t get on board with holding an abused and controlled wife accountable for her husband’s actions. If she felt like it was safe and possible to do things he didn’t want her to do, she’d probably have left him years ago. Abuse distorts a person’s thinking... How many women go

To you as well! <3


Hah! I’m over 40! I never push for the front...I just get to the venue hours and hours ahead so that I’m first in line, or nearly so. And I use musician’s earplugs to reduce the volume without muffling the sound. No need to give up the things you love. =D

Thank you....mine hadn’t gotten nearly as bad as hers or a lot of other people’s, and I’m grateful for that. There was plenty of violence, but it was still all around me instead of on me, with the exception of a couple of minor incidents near the end. I’m thankful to have gotten out before it got worse.

Abused women consistently risk their own lives (and are sometimes killed) believing their husbands won’t cause harm. And abuse is about its worst it robs an abused partner of any independent ability to act. She may have been completely paralyzed by her situation, even if she really did believe he might

I lost 30 when leaving my husband. Heard’s case is more egregious, farther escalated than mine was, but DAMN. I can’t help but relate to her because so much of her experience mirrors mine, and I couldn’t help but believe her for the same reasons.