
That’s pretty much exactly how I feel. I’m all for people doing any consensual thing they want, but I’m hoping that they’re healing any wounds rather than perpetuating them.

I feel like I’m pretty often riding that line, simultaneously accepting anything non-harmful that is done between consenting adults, and really hoping that they’ve given full and deep examination to why they crave things that demean, diminish, or dehumanize them.

OMG, yes. I got blocked a few days ago just for asking why Hillary saying she’d clinched the nomination (which, barring a miracle, she has) was “despicable” when Bernie saying he was going to win wasn’t. Blocked. These people are acting crazy and they’re completely blind to it.

I’ve not unfriended anyone, but I got unfriended and blocked by a Facebook friend I’ve had for four years the other day.... Apparently because I don’t hate Hillary? She thought it was “despicable” for her to say she’d essentially won... Although barring unprecedented results in the last two big races, she has. But I

I like to think that I would have gotten the hell out of there. But then I look back at everything I just went through and how long I stayed, and.....I feel for her.

Love chemicals are strong, and women stay with awful partners all the time because they still believe in the good part they fell in love with. I’m with you, she should DTMFA, but I understand why that’s hard.

Seriously? Being a feminist isn’t work. It’s simply not being a male supremacist. Lack of belief in male supremacy. That’s IT.

I just wish people would bother to learn how this stuff actually works before they whine about how it’s not working like their kindergarten understanding of it expects it to.

I need extra stars to give this comment.

Isn’t the whole point to take them when you’re unhealthy?

I like a lot of it and hate a lot of it. Pretty much split right down the John Frusciante/non-John Frusciante line. I just spent some time googling and he’s apparently the only one who hasn’t been arrested for sexual misconduct, so I’m holding on to the hope that he’s a decent human being.

I want to know which two. Please someone tell me that John Frusciante isn’t an abusive misogynist....please?

And we continue to participate and encourage that sexualization by requiring girls to police their clothing, and making them responsible for their adult teachers’ reactions. This will not change until we change it, and we only reinforce it with these attitudes.

And absolutely zero concern about whether teenage boys’ shorts are too short, thereby causing the female teachers to leer and harass. Because women are naturally attracted to post-puberty males, just as much as men are attracted to post-puberty females, right? But in both cases, the female is cast as the gatekeeper of

As awful as this person is, I think they made the right decision. If he feels this way privately, he’ll eventually out himself publicly, hopefully before he does much harm.

I hope this one defines “religious organization” more strictly than the Mississippi law. Here it encompasses pretty much everything, as long as whoever’s in charge considers themselves religious.

Birdbath is another term, without the baggage of the word “whore”.

The obvious answer is to wash the stinky parts daily and shower the rest of you as needed. Daily in the summer, less in the winter.

As the short girl in my peer group throughout my K-12 career, I had all different colors of elbows resting on my little blonde head. I don’t think I ever looked that badass in the photos, though.

I suspect your experience with Christianity has been much different from mine. Catholics I’ve been exposed to in my lifetime have mostly been liberal socially and very liberal economically. In fact, I was certain the reporter had made a mistake when I first read that Rick Santorum was Catholic. For many people,