....Colorado. Personhood USA is from Colorado. They just keep picking on us because they think we're easy prey.
....Colorado. Personhood USA is from Colorado. They just keep picking on us because they think we're easy prey.
Thank you for this.
It's an excellent argument....unfortunately they think gay people already have equal rights, because they have just as much right to marry an opposite-sex person as a straight person has. *obligatory eye roll*
I think they're counting on the religion to give them a boost this time.
And by "simple truth" you mean "completely unsubstantiated opinion I believe to be truth".
I had a hard time saying goodbye to it, too. Growing up as a displaced southerner in very diverse and tolerant environments, my childhood experience with the flag was always in innocuous settings and pleasant surroundings. It was a unifying symbol of southern culture with no overt attachments to race at all. It…
Yep, this. Original comment reeks of MRA entitlement. Sounds like a Nice Guy.
Bunny butts are even adorable when they are giving you the butt in protest. Cutest angry pets ever.
I'm pretty sure the restaurant doesn't expect perfect tantrum-free kids. I worked in a family restaurant for years, and the problem never lied with kids who were behaving or with kids who weren't. The problem was in parents who completely ignored or encouraged their children's behaviour. The restaurant in the news…
I hate this in EXACTLY the same way I hate pink guns and pink hammers and pink screwdrivers. It's sexist and condescending for a manufacturer to say "oh, hey, half the human race! We know you don't like to break your nails doing manly things like maintenance or violence, but we think you can handle it if make pretty…
Incorrect. My belief applies only to my own body and its contents, just as your belief applies to yours.
You are missing a very important piece of the puzzle.
You say "barring a miscarriage" as if it's rare. You do realize that about half of those zygotes never even implant, don't you? And from the point where a woman realizes she's pregnant there is still a 15-20% chance of loss. It may be biological life already, but you can hardly justify forcing a universal belief…
Allowing other people's strong beliefs to apply to things inside your own body runs contrary to any personal empowerment and equality movement...especially feminism. I may have a strong belief that animal lives should be protected and held sacred. No one would go arguing that my strong belief is a good reason to…
Your belief that life begins at conception is just that...a belief. You may also believe in Jesus, or Allah, or in pagan goddesses. You have no more right to impose those beliefs on anyone else's bodies than they have to impose theirs on you. There are quite a few points at which a person can reasonably believe…
The scan and grope policies have significantly reduced my willingness to use airplanes as transportation. The two times I have had to resort to air travel since they've been doing this have both been opt-outs for me. The temporary emotional damage of having a single screener ramming their hand between my thighs is…
But the message is on a HANGER. Choose Life on a license plate, Choose Life on a billboard....those are acceptable ways to suggest that others choose what I would. Placing the message on the very tool that has caused so many women to die when that choice was taken away is shockingly inappropriate.
You're presenting this as male victims vs. female victims, but the situations you are comparing are monetary settlement seekers vs. criminal court accusers. Of course it's not okay to bring up a victim's sexual history in a criminal rape case, male or female. But—again, male or female—litigants in a civil suit do…
Best wishes for your mom...I hope she gets a clean bill of health very soon.
Truth. I would love to see how well Dr. Betchen fared in a race against those women he was judging. I think he would be surprised.