I love my country.
I love my country.
As a seven year old, I raided the kitchen for my art supplies. I took some herbs, green food coloring, lemon juice, and turmeric powder to create this. My dad was so angry at me for destroying the kitchen and geting half the spice cabinet all over the floor, but he took this, and he framed it because he thought it was…
That Trefoils is in the top three—ahead of Tagalongs, no less—is a goddamn travesty and I am ashamed to work here.
New Romantics is the best fucking song of this album (despite all the good songs) and the fact that it is a bonus track either shows the genius of Ms. Swift or was a questionable choice on multiple levels. Either way, go back and listen to it, your ears will thank you.
If you're reading this, you probably didn't win the Powerball last night. But if you're feeling bad, here's some…
I am a bit dumbfounded by people's reaction to the badness of 50 shades. Have ya'll never read a book on the best seller's list? No Danielle Steel, Sidney Sheldon, James Patterson, etc. ad naseum? (need I mention Flowers in the Attic!) Did you miss the entire decades of nothing but dismembered women's bodies on…
Especially this: It's bad. It's a bad book about bad people written badly. It glorifies the sort of domineering masculine violence that lands women outside of James's jill off fantasyland in the hospital, in domestic violence shelters. Perhaps most unrealistically, its male protagonist is a 27-year-old man living…
Starred. BUT, I believe this is more of a Utah phenomenon than a white people thing.
Listens for a bit. Turns on T-Swift.
I hate that I'm telling you this, but in the new 'Christopher's Diary' series, they have Cory coming back in the 3rd installment, 'Secret Brother.' http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Brother… According to the last book, a near-death Cory was dropped off at the hospital and abandoned (but he was found there and adopted by a…
Cathy Dollanganger: total anti-vaxxer.
Except that 50 Shades isn't a "ripoff," it's a transformative work. The actual storyline of the original fanfiction bore no relation to the plot of Twilight, it was what the fanfic world calls an AU (alternate universe). The only things the fanfic had in common with the source material was the names of the main…
I used to think movies need to be more faithful in all details to their book origins, but really it's not always possible in a film format. Maybe a mini series could manage that better. I loved Contact, both the book and the movie- but there's no way everything in Carl Sagan's novel could have been included. It was…