Yeah, everywhere I went in Europe people assumed we were slutty, but then we also acted slutty (and I am just in general slutty, so). But it is annoying when people treat you like you're a sure thing.
Yeah, everywhere I went in Europe people assumed we were slutty, but then we also acted slutty (and I am just in general slutty, so). But it is annoying when people treat you like you're a sure thing.
Agree re: the UK. They're hot and they know it and they wait for you to come to them.
Totally agree Ireland is so FRIENDLY!
LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. There wasn't one country I visited where I didn't hook up with someone. But in seriousness, had great success at pubs in Ireland and Scotland, especially in small towns.
What monster opened that bag of Kettle chips like that?
fourth spot likely already occupied by Tig’s fiance, Stephanie Allynne. :/
The word “intime” always reminds of Frasier, when Frasier and Niles are planning an intime soiree. #frasierfacts
I live in Southern California and visit Portland frequently, and they are not at all similar. Like, not at all. Your comment is missing all the marks.
She does! She looks great! It just hit me, though, that her hair is dark again, and I just feel so sad for her hair. You’re going to bleach out your hair to platinum blonde for just a couple weeks? Why would you do that to your poor hair!?
lolol children’s holiday. I live in southern california and you better believe the men were wearing ties and many women were wearing hats in church this morning. Literally what are you talking about?
You know it’s bad when Kim is dressed the most church appropriate. Kanye needs to STAHP though.
That. Dress. Is. AWFUL.
I heard that Bravo pays them just little enough that they can't afford to quit SUR. Like $30K/season, which is nothing in LA.
I agree, james comes off looking so pathetic and it's sad. When he was like "We're totally in love together!" it is not at all apparent that Kristen has any feelings for him, other than I guess sexual chemistry. She humiliated him this season by not only being obsessed with her ex, but not even being decent enough to…
Yeah I had to give it to her, she would not let it die, and it was messed up what they did to her. And then going around being all smoochy cuddly, and perfect coupley.
James's instagram shows them together 4 days ago.
Ugh, Ariana's! She is usually the classiest/cutest, but her weird hairdo, and the jacket falling off her shoulders, while all the other girls wore nice dresses. no.
On the reunion they were saying they get it for "preventative" purposes. *side eye*
That. Fuckin'. Caftan!