
I would be money that they *did* hear it was sexist and blew it off, thinking it was just coming from some feminazi and that she was nuts and no one else could possibly think that way.

Well most of the dislikes were probably women, and we all know that women's opinions don't count.

it's institutional sexism. it's not okay. it's like racist humor. it is damaging and misogynistic.

Yes, you might be the only person who finds these commercials funny.

What makes me feel like a man: picking up really heavy things; getting paid what I'm worth; not having to worry about going out alone after dark.

It's like the female version of the tragic Dr. Pepper Ten: Not for Women campaign. Just because your circle thinks it's funny doesn't mean the rest of the world will.

Yeah, and "This idea came from women who told us that at the first hint of stubble, they felt like "dudes.""

Also, what's worse - hairy legs or chemical burns?

Yeaaaah I'm most doubtful of this claim: "We take our responsibilities very seriously and the ad was carefully reviewed before it aired."

Also irritating is the next couple of lines, with the implication that only women who don't shave or wax would be offended by the ad. "Veet helps those who choose to stay smooth" my ass. Veet won't be helping this one stay smooth.

We just wanted to let everyone know, we get it – we're women too. This idea came from women who told us that at the first hint of stubble, they felt like "dudes."

While the current advertising campaign for VEET running in the USA has been well received by most consumers who appreciate its wacky, tongue in cheek humour, it has also provoked a great deal of comment.

However we are very concerned by any misinterpretation of its tone or meaning

"It was too easy for me to get a job, so I didn't appreciate it as much."

It just doesn't happen in her world - the art world of downtown Manhattan. Which is, after all, the center of the universe. Not sure what this bias is you speak of; if Lena always thought were pretty tokens - er, people - surely no one else in the world thought differently. Gag.

I lost ALL respect for Scarlett Johannson since she sided with an oppressive Israeli apartheid state for a stupid endorsement and her comments that criticizing Woody Allen for alleged sexual abuse was "irresponsible" . So much garbage comes out of this woman's mouth, I'm done with her.

I think I might call her Scarjo just because of this. Seriously never did before.

So basically Lena Dunham is sad that she never has to face the discrimination and horrible bias that so many members of the LGBTQ community experience daily? Wow, I feel so sorry for you, poor little straight girl.

I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me, when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, Ithought, Thank God, someone in this family can truly represent my passions and

One must never be flippant when referring to Scarlet Johansson! Let's give her a new nickname befitting her status as a very serious artist and person. I nominate "Doucheface" but I bet someone here can do better. Also, I am SO glad people are still quoting "Mr. Show."