
this. I had a partner for a while with 2 retired United parents - they got several ‘pass flights’ a year as part of their retirement package. The steerage thing is bang on, the example I was given was that a stand-by dog would go before me-the-pass-person, and every time I was lectured up, down and sideways by both

This is my brand. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My brand is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my brand is useless. Without my brand, I am useless. I must write my blog true. I must blog straighter than my enemy, who is trying to mimic me. I

As a German who follows both German and American politics extensively, I can only tell you that no one here, not the top level politicians, nor the intelligence community and generals of the military, nor the media, nor the average people believe any of the assurances that Trump’s 2nd (VP Pence), 3rd (Sec. Tillerson)

Men are afraid of being treated the same way they treat women.

What is this article? This has nothing about the Cardinals losing a baseball game.

Please don’t do this. The problem is institutionalized coercion, fear, and excessive respect of authority, not the gender or age of the abusers.

SJWs don’t demand that all public areas be designated as safe spaces. But this guy wants all LGBTQ people banned on airplanes to appease his comfort. So you’re making a false equivalency. Plus oppressors shouldn’t be entitled to oppress people, but those who have been victimized should have an avenue to discuss their

Also, the way he phrased that, he implied that Scahill “veers away” from feminism and racial equality. That’s just shitty. I went to high school with Scahill, and even as a teen he was a deeply concerned person. As a journalist, he’s gone into very dangerous war zones to tell people’s stories, stood up to the

I couldn’t believe how much Maher was kissing Milo’s ass. Cements the idea i’ve always had that Maher is a star-fucker and that over rides his morals. He doesn’t mind that right wingers have power, and their horrible ideas are/will hurt people. As long as they’ll come on his show and the money keeps coming in.

Why, back in my day of the ‘aughts, we only got to see truly batshit crazy politics once every four years, our president only lied to us to get support to start crackpot wars, and by God, that’s the way we liked it. I just don’t understand you kids today with your fake news, administrations with boundless conflicts

As is also an NC State tradition, we will spend the next 6 weeks discussing coaching candidates that we have no prayer of landing. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL FINALLY ENTICE MARK FEW TO COACH BIG BOY BASKETBALL!!

1. Trust me, I can pay plenty of attention to Trumps evil incompetent assholery. One of the dumbest arguments in the book is “Why are you paying attention to X, you should be paying attention to Y.” Human beings can be concerned about more than one thing at a time, and they all don’t have to be of equal importance.

Yes, it would be cool to see more characters from other countries as well (although you forgot Natasha and Scarlet Witch). Anyway, it would be nice if you engaged with my argument in good faith instead of turning it into a strawman that’s obviously mathematically stupid and impossible. No, I’m not asking for 50

Marvel has come really far in a lot of important ways, but ... my God that video is just wall-to-wall white men, creating and starring.

He would have made Trump a living joke every night. He wouldn’t have been the nominee.

Letters to Diana, about anything. I’d read that weekly.

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Another white male republican here. I also won’t be watching the show. But only because I don’t have a netflix account and see no need for one. That said, I am actively working against trump and the gop in congress. Are you?

Elementary is the far superior of the two adaptations. Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu’s relationship as Holmes and Watson is far more interesting to me than Cumberbatch and Freeman’s (and no, it’s not just because Joan Watson is a woman). You can tell how much they care for each other- they’re both invested in each

Very unpopular opinion: