They could have a duel at shoot at each other at the same time. That would be an epic way to leave this world!
The problem is that at their 50s or 60s they were still fairly young.
Rogue 2: Bothans on Fire.
Was anyone else disappointed by Star Trek Beyond? I thought Into the Darkness was a much better film.
I used to think Lucas was the best director ever when I was a kid.
Ezra Miller's Boring Allen is going to bore you so much that you won't even care anymore!
Those scenes are impressive, but the technology is still not quite there.
Care to give me some examples of good contemporary music? Honest curiosity here.
What? Dammit!
I'll go out instead of watching crappy TV series! I'll leave an Emptier House!
This! A million times this. I always sigh when I read that nonsense that your decision matters in the game. They don't.
I only wish Telltale did a Star Wars game!
The Witcher 3 feels like a neverending game! I also haven't touched the expansions yet. Not that I'm complaining…
These days I try to buy only games that are 60% off or more. I need to take care of my backlog!
Mass Effect 2 is definitely the best of the bunch, but ME 3 deserves to be played and some parts of it are amazing. So many good memories… I still have to played the Citadel DLC which I never did before, but I don't know if I'll be able to play ME 3 again or if I simply should keep the memories untouched.
Oxenfree is a great example of game storytelling! If you liked the TV series Stranger Things you should enjoy this.
Because it's true.
The lack of Williams soundtrack is one of the main reasons I don't like this new Man of Steel crap.
I remember when I was a kid, I always confused Superman and Star Wars. In my opinion both are amazing, SW being a little bit better.
I know it's a Simpsons' reference, but, oh, please don't tempt 2016!