
That’s not the issue. If the girl were in college, sure it would be no problem but she’s not. She’s a teen in high school.

young (but mature!)

2 of the best JRPGs on the DS!

I guess the stream was lagging. When I saw the stream it looked like it had horrible frame drops. It actually looks good on Youtube.


You’re just becoming cynical and boring. Soon you’ll be enjoying Grey’s Anatomy.

Reminds me of my time in the Army during deployment. We’d fuck around with each other all the time.

on the Wii U’s Virtual Console

F2P is here to stay. It has become the dominate model world-wide and is a business model for phone, console, web and PC games at this point.

I don’t think you know what an addiction is.

the highly-anticipated Lifetime Original Movie

No. I don’t want that fucking abomination of a game near my PC.

I don’t think they would be dumb enough to do that. Piracy on Android is piss easy. Someone would find a way to unlock the bootloader, Root it, etc. They always find a way.

Someone butter this guy, he’s on a roll.

Epic burn!

Pretty sure if you’re having difficulty having orgasm, you should see a specialist.

Why are YOU writing to Kotaku regarding your GF’s lack of orgasms? SHE needs to talk to a doctor. A lady parts doctor. Not some nerd site.

It tried way to hard to be pretentious. It ended up unnecessarily convoluted. I get what it was trying to do. Mecha anime at the point were very similar. Young MC who was “chosen” to be the pilot, etc. Many people see Eva as a prolific masterpiece. I see it as the “ tried too hard to be serious ” mech anime.

Little girls doing cute things sells. That’s where the money is.