
And? She's getting paid.

One of the highest grossing F2P games ever is an FPS in China called crossfire. They like FPS

The only problem is playing the game at ungodly settings that fill the Vram up and then cause issues. Those people are a tiny % of 970 users.

Every single review? Wow because the reviews I've seen say otherwise. Also the 290 was about 70 dollars more than the 970 for the first few months of release so the damage to AMD is done.

That filter is giving me eye cancer. Great tricks though!

Seeing Capcom's track record with Cash Shops, no thanks. Give us a Buy to Play version

That made me slightly upset.

No clue who he/she is

It does.

She's so goddamn fiiine.

I'll get the MH4U bundle. It's cheaper in the long run since I want that game

Great quote! Who's it by?

Where did I say they were sucking MY fun?

Competitive players once again sucking the fun out of a party game.

LITERALLY the first thing I thought.

I thought feminism was about equality, empowerment, independence. Not conforming to the ideals set by another. If she wants to photoshop herself should she not have the freedom to without others telling her she shouldn't?

I wanted the PSP remake. But at this point this will do.

Teenagers are not very good at being anything.