
The PS4 is the top selling next gen console so that's where all the advertising is happening on.

Notch is set for life. He's filthy rich.

Did you guys do any temperature readings? Those things are very important when you have a GPU crammed in such a small space.

That's what I was thinking. Some kind of virtual drive or something similar. Dang.. $120 seems steep.

How much did that cost you?

It is but there are some, unsavory people plus the usual trolls. It is F2P so it's inevitable

TF2 is an addiction. Find a good community with actual moderation and you'll have a blast.

It always starts with homebrew. Always. Then someone uses that to enable piracy and hacking.

Check the workshop on Steam. People make collections of mods and all you have to do is subscribe to the collection and you get everything in it. Or you can make your own collection.

Grim Dawn let's you know you can play offline if you want.. Which is great in an ARPG.

Pretty much. It's much cheaper.

Age of Mythology is a great game!

Clearly she didn't run to evade them.

I find WoW boring but the CGI cinematics are ridiculously awesome.

Doesn't make it any less nonsesical.

Goddamnit. Is it bad we recognize it?

KH's story is so nonsensical.

Take your gosh darn ponies and get on outta here, partner.

Well it doesn't help that some of the people who were protesting decided to use that as cover to loot, destroy, and god know's what else. All it takes is a handful of people to ruin it for everyone else.

I don't see an issue. Kids have no idea how things are. Worrying about being shot or a rocket hitting you. These things are not fun.