
Go all the way. Make a full female Ghostbusters. Lead by Tina Fey. I love that woman.

Just ignore them. They eventually yell themselves to sleep.

I might not like it seeing as I grew up with it but I certainly won't go out of my way to hate it nor tell others who do like it to fuck off.

Because it became popular amongst grown men and Hasbro saw an opportunity to milk it.

Learn what trolling is, kid.


Pokemon is an actual game. With strategies, challenges, etc. And yes, CoD is daycare.

Then maybe it's time to change the name of this site.

So basically I'm still right. Thanks!. That doesn't explain the ginormous amount of grown ass men with no kids who worship this. Male parents I can understand since they have kids and that acts as a sort of gateway. Single childless men going out of their way to watch a little girl's cartoon? Hmm, still odd.

I don't think ponies are part of video game and otaku culture.

It's aimed at little girls. That's the target demographic.

Every time someone calls out Generic Anime #xxxxx you people come crawling out of the wood work to defend it and it turns out it really was just High Schoolers: The Anime Part 45,678. Experience tells me otherwise.

Oh boy, just what we need. More High schoolers anime. As if we don't have those already.

We got an armchair psychologist here.

I have that mouse pad. It's great.

Remember when people actually put effort into trolling?

These kids know nothing about scanlines.