
Well don't stand in the way.

Dungeons are incredibly easy. Try the game again and make a post in the LFG asking for someone to walk you through. Someone will help.

Bonewall went up? Terrible group.

When I was still in the Army I got a horrible haircut. My unit did not let it go for about 3 weeks.

Great Idea! let's recap all of it!

Well that's what happens when you have ZERO barrier to entry.

They better not fuck this up like DA2. Yes, DA2 was a ginormous fuck up considering how great DA:O was. It was a 20-ish hour watered down game that I paid $60. Hell yeah I was mad and salty.

And the amount of money spent on legal action will not be worth it.

The reality.

You're jumping at shadows that are not there. Relax. The image is harmless. Even The jezzies know this.

deep freudian implications of such an image sequence.

If only I was lured and corrupted by my female teachers in high school.

What are these "ads"? Never seen them

That will totally go well. "Hey I made a risky investment and it went bad."

4 Sentences and the term MRA. We got a hot head here.

The cons being that job security is nonexistent unless you have seniority , deadlines are hell, and you basically have no life. You have to really love your job.

Meanwhile at Jezebel.

This is actually in game footage of Halo on PC. #PCMasterrace

Always being brought down by the universal man. I'm sick of this tyranny. Thanks for this!