
I thought the whole point of the show was Brody being turned and his relation with her along with her obsession. Might as well name it something else.

Is this going to be another "lel nerdy" thing like TBBT?

Where in my post did I say that? Who are you quoting? Stop being stupid, kid.

Attendance might be free but if you live away from it you will spend money. Plus food, room and board.

In fact don't shave anything. Let it all grow.

So that People who spent a month's pay check to go felt special.

Kid Row*

White with long hair. Exactly how I pictured Doom fans.

I meant in the literal sense since he mentioned 14, but I understand where you are coming from and I agree.

You're under the impression that children are doing this. Who's to say it's not some guy in his 20's who's butthurt over getting beaten online? Or they did it "For the lols"?


This is funny because Japan has a fertility festival with dicks EVERYWHERE. Also, look at their hentai industry, and the really seedy underside of the hentai industry.

I have a lot of issues

One spray is good. No more than two.

Here's one, BATHE! BATHE BATHE BATHE. Learn to fucking bathe you goddamn nerds/geeks. Some of you make the rest of us look bad.

I wonder how much money petrol companies threw at this guy to buy it from him and squash it.

I'm surprised you didn't die from the stress. Did your hair fall off?

What does his being a former marine have anything to do with this? Sounds like you guys are trying to click bait. I don't see former Mcdonalds work or Former janitor, or Former married person. Maybe we should do a "Civilian murders his girlfriend" or "Civilian hits girl".

Who let this newborn baby on the internet?