Here's one, BATHE! BATHE BATHE BATHE. Learn to fucking bathe you goddamn nerds/geeks. Some of you make the rest of us look bad.
Here's one, BATHE! BATHE BATHE BATHE. Learn to fucking bathe you goddamn nerds/geeks. Some of you make the rest of us look bad.
I'm surprised you didn't die from the stress. Did your hair fall off?
What does his being a former marine have anything to do with this? Sounds like you guys are trying to click bait. I don't see former Mcdonalds work or Former janitor, or Former married person. Maybe we should do a "Civilian murders his girlfriend" or "Civilian hits girl".
Who let this newborn baby on the internet?
That's what you get for messing with Gundam.
WiiU's hardware didn't get a drastic change. It still runs on the same architecture. It's just faster. That's why it can still run older games.
Because it's not that simple Mr Claus. They'd have to emulate a PowerPC architecture, which probably not doable at the moment.
Two wongs don't make a right?
I don't know. I have no idea why that GIANT game with millions of players has a larger pot than this niche fighter.
This is a blog, not a news site.
Until I get a solid "No, it's not coming to PC" I'm going to wait.
Ellie's gotten fluffy.
You're pretty stupid. If you know someone's name you can find their address. That's all it takes, genius.
Is no one going to talk about the woman's son with the heart shape shaved on his head?
I want to see the untouched photos! I will pay for them.