Welcome to the real world, Barbara.
Welcome to the real world, Barbara.
I'm sorry If I hold waiters and waitresses to a standard. You do a good job you get a good tip. It's fair and impartial.
Tips are earned, not entitled. You want me to pay you to do your job? Do it right.
I was at Soldier Field. I saw the dream and it died.
Maybe even ULTRA.
You shouldn't be happy. The fact that this is the thing they're focusing on before the game is even out mean they simply doing it to keep you guys quiet. A character's sexuality should never be the major trait about them. That's not how you write a good gay character. If their "gayness" the thing you focus on then…
Fully gay
They're making fun of the R6 gameplay vid from E3. Man that vid was so cringe worthy.
No one wins the "Who has it harder/easier" arguments. Let's not start one.
Pools are a tool of the patriarchy designed to get women in little to no clothing so they can be shamed! #PoolIsClosed
Acquire skill, peasant.
Gone Home can be completed under 2 minutes. Of course some may argue if it's a video game to begin with.
Damn patriarchy! Not only do women not get paid equally but now they can't feed lions!? This oppression needs to stop.
How do you think!?
Yeah one of the other guys mentioned it. I haven't played BO's campaign in a long time. They should do an open world CoD set in Vietnam/Laos and you can like recruit the Hmong guys like the CIA did. That would be pretty neat.
Yeah. You think other inventions started off as grand and amazing?
Our involvement in the vietnam war started in the early 60's. The game takes place during 68 and the narration starts to flashback at 61. Yes it does take place DURING the Vietnam War. I never said it took place in Vietnam or that it had anything to do with Vietnam. Learn to read.
It did but the main plot was Cold War related and took place mostly outside of it. It's debatable. It's definitely not a Vietnam War game though.
Technically Black Ops took place during the Vietnam War, just not IN the Vietnam War.
Shave your armpits.