
Do you tell that to rape victims too? Why go outside if you can get raped?

They make these things called .webm

I tried to love it. I like its concept, but feel its execution could have been done a bit better.

DDoSing isn't hacking.

ArcheAge. It's an MMO.

probably secret agents or dissidents communicating in the open. Why? Because why not

That's from the Russian OBT of ArcheAge. I got bored and decided to dance on sheep.

Build it. There's no feeling like building your own PC with your own hands, then playing games on it.

Careful son. PC is making money.

No idea. I don't like the Duke Games.

Decade is a bit of an overstatement. My point is mods, genius.

And this is why I like PC. I have more freedom. Sadly more and more devs are trying to lock us down to the same level of consoles.

Stop Oppressing me Jezebel.


The kid in me wants this. My wallet says" No way dude"

Those guys buy anything. Literally anything with cute girls in it. It's kind of sad.

Don't turn this into some pointless SJW rant. We know why they chose a school girl with an uguu voice. To attract and pander to the NEET demographic.

Sorry but they could have chose so many different ones instead of shoehorning a school girl for no reason other than to attract weeaboos.

I have most definitely seen drama, movies, and other live action media, Your post is nothing more than anecdotal evidence, just like mine would be. Stop wasting your time.

For every girl you find me with high pitch squeals I'll find you one that sounds like a normal adult woman. No one will win this battle.