
Fair enough. Whistleblower laws don't protect soldiers.

I don't think the cat did this thinking "I need to save this boy" Pretty sure the cat did this thinking "This unknown thing is in my territory. Activate fuck shit up mode"

Someone will always abuse. You should know this.

They'e not soldiers. They are civilians. What part of "You give up many rights when you serve" did you not understand? She agreed to that. She broke a shit ton of regulations. She accessed a system she wasn't supposed to access. She connected unauthorized removable storage media to the network. She illegally copied

Colleges cover their own ass first. It's like HR. HR exists for the company, not the employee.

How long before this list goes from legitimate shit bag rapists to people other people don't like and decide to falsely shame them?

Classifications aren't there to always hide shit from you. They are there to hide shit from other governments. Yes there is room for abuse but should stop thinking everything is a giant conspiracy. And it doesn't matter. When you raise your right hand and swear, they take it seriously. Military courts are a completely

When has our information been outed in the public by the government?

Doesn't matter. Regulations were broken. Nothing good came from them because nothing has changed. Now she's screwed.

What war crimes were exposed?

The country she swore she would serve. She swore she would uphold the constitution. She swore she would obey the orders of those appointed over here and military regulations.

You're pretty stupid if you think she didn't break the law.

Releasing classified documents out in the wild where the enemy can get them is borderline releasing it to the enemy. She broke numerous laws and regulations. You want to be a whistleblower you accept the consequences. You don't get to pick and choose

There we go again with the "atrocities". Dozens of soldiers who willingly killed civilians with malice are in jail now. The law of war protects accidental killings. You don't have to like it but that's war. People die.

She deserves what she got. She made her bed and now she will lie in it. It's that simple. And the collateral murder video was an accidental killing. Welcome to war. The massive intelligence leak didn't serve anyone but Wikileaks.

Pretty sure that cat didn't give 2 shits about her son and was simply a badass being extremely territorial.

So it's creepy for dads to go but not moms?

Hey I'm not condoning the spying on us. That was a definite must know.

I don't think he should have revealed that we were spying on Huawei for ties to the Chinese Government. That kind of stuff is what the NSA is supposed to do. We spying on other governments, that's normal. You're supposed to do that.

Look at high school girls. Why else do men chaperone those things?