

I noticed it wasn't put up against 780ti's in SLI. I wonder why is that.

I paid $40 for the preorder. Mods is the main reason I got it. Plus it was cheaper.

Rotting eggs and burnt hair.

Well see both genders playing both genders. I'll be sure to make the fattest characters I can think off.

I bought FF XIV and it came with 30 days. No CC details, nothing. Right off the bat.

Now THIS is trolling.

Oh does it? I had no idea. Well then that changes things.

All it says is private jets and parties for friends in fans. Minecon covers that. Which I already knew

You think that's bad? Look at Blade and Soul. NCsoft hasn't said shit. Nothing. Not even a delay. Meanwhile China and Japan are getting all the fun.

Why not just port Golden to PS3?

I'd like more detail. :P

I don't think you understand how much this man has made from MC. That's a spec of sand.

I wonder what Notch did with his ginormous pile of cash. They have MC, Scrolls, and Cobalt. Oh and Minecon. Where is the rest of the money going?

If you're on Linux, use Wine. If you're on mac, tough titty said the kitty.

Well stop being a condescending shitbag and maybe people will take your seriously.

Retarded =/= racial slur.

I've never heard of "wop dago". That's a new one to me.

They're getting very stupid with standards now. Rape? nah. Suicide? Not important.