Pillarless Coupe

That's a special kind of pissed when you take the time to pin up your hair, move the car, and go back to work. But, all things considered, the p.a.b. got off pretty light. There was only so much damage she could do with the chair, but the scissor jack is a different story. I'm surprised she didn't go after the

Starting in 1988:

Having owned 3 W124's (89 TE, 91 CE and 95 TE) this absolutely broke my heart to watch. While they do have a few faults, they are perfect in that they have the "you can't kill me" quality the W123 is known for combined with some luxury features that only recently have made their way into the non-luxury brands. And

Looks kinda Saab-ish to me.

Wow, he did a job on that rim.

And you can get it with a manual transmission. That's winning that even Charlie Sheen can't fuck with.

As much as I hate to see this, at least it's being destroyed by intent and not indifference.

So how long before we hear of Volt owners running out of both juice and gas?

Nibbles! Lets try ca.jalop

You call that a sale? A real salesman would've got Letterman for Scotchguard, undercoating, extended warranty, paint protection and a life insurance policy. Plus there should have been at least three trips to the GM's office.

I guess he thought she was the Spirit of X-tasy.

In addition to their ignorance about the origins of some Toyotas in general, they're also apparently ignorant of the origin of the Toyotas they vandalized. Most, if not all, of the cars on the floor are provided by the local dealers. This is why you'll occasionally walk up to some nondescript econobox to find the