Where’s Ex Machina? That film stuck with me more than most of these.
Where’s Ex Machina? That film stuck with me more than most of these.
I think you’ve let the last few seasons of The Walking Dead crowd out how good the first few seasons were.
At night, when lying in bed trying to sleep, I role play an interview between a host and a famous rock star. I do both parts, out loud. I’m asleep before the third answer.
The shows she is hosting air starting December 9th
Scoring points against Trump specifically is useless. He’s the product of a system that rewards what he is and what he does. For every one you take down there are millions more just the same. It’s been said around here countless times racism, sexism, all the bad -isms are systemic rather than the product of individual …
She didn’t break any laws, why should she feel compelled to resign? Let the voters decide if this is sufficient reason to replace her.
Biles has a better chance of dunking than any basketball player has of doing any of her routines
Switched over to MS Edge to comment that Kinja will not log me in using Brave.
For many years I was convinced Will You Love Me Tomorrow went “Can I believe the magic of your size”.
Chris Thompson mangled the lyric
The font is Alchemy B
I fail to see the point of Klobuchar’s campaign
Clearly Yang has moved the debate. Everyone (except Sanders, of course) is talking about the UBI.
Doctor Bobby
C’mon, the worst state to be named for is Maine. Nobody wants to go through their whole life with yohos saying “My Maine Man!” every time they walk into a room.
It’s unlikely that any of ESPN’s talking heads are informed enough about Chinese politics to speak intelligently about it.
Not impressed. Your average five year old can break down Atlanta’s defense.
Does the Frugal Traveler live at a train station? Why count the commute for one and not the other?