
Does it not occur to them that half the time utility rack just comes with the fucking car? Or are part of a bonus package that includes something else that this person wanted? Or that utility racks really just amount to more storage space which might be really useful to someone has to travel with a wheelchair or any

This is baffling not only because they can’t comprehend that someone could be disabled and have a utility rack but also they apparently can’t comprehend that a household may contain more than one person who may use or be driven in that car.

Sanders supporters, such as yourself, cannot and will not take responsibility for or even admit their rampant misogyny during and after the campaign. Until that happens, productive conversation isn’t really possible for many of us.

I wasn’t. I knew folks who were and as a teen, I helped them out, in what way I could. I also knew some homeless teens who also hooked.

Your dude kneecapped himself by spending thirty years bitching about Democrats and then tried using their goodwill to help him achieve a higher office and then dropped a bunch of snide comments to make his supporters think that the game was rigged.

When your most vocal followers are misogynists and shout me down when I bring up concerns about their candidate and use some of the exact same sexist language as Repubs did against Clinton? When they call me an ignorant Black Hilary Shill? Yeah, I’m going to notice. As for race? It took him forever to address it and

I’ve got problems with Bernie that I’m not going to go into detail here. And one of them is the misogyny of a lot of Bernie Bros that has been personally directed to me that seemed to come from the top down. Also, as a Woman of Color, he was incredibly out of touch with the very real racism that permeates our society,

Oh yeah. I would have respected Bernie more if he had stood up to his fans and been like “Hey now. Hold on. Hillary is a public servant with many years of service. Just because I think my ideas are better for America doesn’t mean you can go around insulting American heroes John Lewis and Dolores Huerta for supporting

Please tell me this is a joke.

The ambition thing is also tied to sexism. Nobody ever says of a male candidate that he wants the job “too much”. A woman shouldn’t appear too eager, and she should let men take the lead— it’s just like the ancient dating manuals.

Did you live in an alternate reality for this election campaign? Gracefully consistent is not at all how I would describe Bernie Sander’s behavior this past year.

Bullshit. Bernie dragged the primary on when it was beyond obvious he lost. He was butt hurt and would not let it go. He still thinks he would have beaten Trump. All politicians have egos and she is no different but vaginas are supposed to keep thier emotions in check amirite.

“A time when we focus on the fact that we are all actually human and work towards something better than the shit show of a world we have now.”

How dare she make a very woman positive statement in a welcome address at a women-centered conference. What a monster.

Worst candidate ever?

Yeah man, we’re so glad America chose* a lying racist instead.

Yes, by all means, all of those people who are concerned about practicalities like health care and jobs will be better served by the President who gets rid of the ACA and starts a trade war with Mexico/China/everyone.

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.

okay, now we NEED Rosie to play Bannon...