“I know how we can handle a Presidential loose cannon! Let’s start a civil war!!” - California
“I know how we can handle a Presidential loose cannon! Let’s start a civil war!!” - California
. . . I’m fairly certain where you’re going wrong is the whole “with no regard to law” bit. The Equal Protection Clause is the law. It’s been the law since the Civil War. The rationale behind using it to protect the marriage of gays and lesbians in Obergefell is based on Loving v. Virginia, which has been law for…
What is a “threep”?
I would be the worst model ever in an Elie Saab dress. I would skip, twirl down the runway, Enchanted-style while feeling like a princess.
it’s pretty inarguably the #1 nation by almost every (major) metric
I don’t know if you’re a troll or just unusually dense, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
He isn’t actually doing that though, is my point. She forced him to sue, he tried to work things out amicably. And he still has told her that the door is always open if she wants a relationship with the kid, he won’t stand in the way. She has said she doesn’t even want to meet the kid, and hasn’t.
His kid is ill, which makes it difficult for him. The kid needs more care than a typical kid. If they were married, one of them would still likely have to leave their job to take care of the boy.
You said fuck this guy, who hasn’t done anything wrong. Not fuck Sherri Shepard.
You know who did ask for this child to be brought into the world? Sherri Shepard.
Nah, fuck her. She agreed to the surrogacy. She was all on board. Then she bailed and suddenly the kid isn’t her responsibility? NOPE. That kid is only here because Sherri helped bring it here. She damn well needs to step up.
He is not a gold digger because he’s staying at home raising their kid, who has a medical condition.
Why is he a gold digger because he stood by the commitment he made to have and raise his child? Why is he a gold digger for seeking an increase in child support when her income went up. That’s how it works. It’s standard practice and, in fact, parents are legally obligated to inform the court when their income…
That whole exploiting the child’s blood disorder comment really got me. For someone who blathers on about Christianity, none of her actions seem very “Christian” to me.
She will always have that asterisk by her name, as far as I’m concerned. She’s done fuck all to backtrack or apologize to trans women. It doesn’t negate the work she’s done for (cis) women, but it sure as hell leaves a distinct taste of shit in my mouth after saying her name.
I appreciate a heads-up about it, and I’m sure I’ll disagree with her on a lot. That’s true of like 95% of the male authors I enjoy though so I try not to judge women writers more harshly and extend the same grain of salt when reading
I sometimes enjoy her writing but a word of warning - her strongest writing was what she produced in the late 70s and early 80s, and it is very much a product of her time. So be prepared for transphobia and gender essentialism. I think her voice is important, but she can also be dreadfully wrong with no faint whiff of…
Greer has definitely said some great stuff. Awful, hateful stuff too, but that doesn’t detract from the other things she’s said.
“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them”