
This. I see a therapist regularly anyway, but the bulk of our last couple of sessions has very much revolved around how legitimately triggering Trump’s campaign and election has been for me as a rape survivor. When I’ve spent years in therapy trying to unlearn the message that men can do whatever they want to me and

I hope so! It looks oversized for a plastic clip, but I went shopping for a new collar for my dog recently, and there were at least a couple that seemed to have extra-large clips on them relative to the size of the collar, so it’s definitely possible. I would much rather believe that dog is freakishly good at

It makes more sense if you consider his age. Up until comparatively recently, it was still pretty commonly accepted that American audiences were less likely to embrace a performer with a name that was “too long,” (which was frequently a coded way of saying “too not-WASPy-sounding”). So Anthony Benedetto became Tony

...can you buy him a copy of one of those picture books designed to explain where babies come from to very small children? Maybe leave it on his desk with a “friendly” note saying you think it might help clear some things up for him?

I am kind of flabbergasted by people going after you for seeing a therapist/having a therapist who has you keep track of shit (which is something I’ve heard of other therapists doing with all their patients, so it’s not even like that’s some weird, unheard-of thing). Neither “addicts are stupid” nor “you deserve to be

I dunno, it’s a hell of a tough call between her and the FLOTUS who paved the way on the “Guess what, conservative dipshits? I’m a motherfucking lawyer who’s at least as smart as her husband, and I’m not going to pretend for one goddamn second that I’m not a badass” front.

I dunno, speaking as a disabled person, I think there’s an enormous difference between “I spent 30 seconds in a wheelchair so now I know exactly what being disabled is like” and “I’m not disabled, and so electing a president who thinks mocking people’s disabilities is funny and has promised to repeal the law that bars

I think the issue with mocking the Trumps for physical features that aren’t directly under their control isn’t that the Trumps deserve decency, because they absolutely don’t. It’s that it inherently catches a lot of innocent people in the crossfire. There are lovely, kind human beings with close-set eyes or receding

Ah, okay. That makes sense then.

I’d say they missed about 45 states, honestly. No one should get complacent and think that their state is free of racism, because not a one of them even come close.

It’s not that they don’t know, per se. They’ve just rationalized it away as “I’m not racist, I just think black people are subhuman! Racists are, uh, some other people, over there! Not me!” Their logic is basically “racism = bad, me = good, ergo me = not racist, no matter what I do.” These people could take part in a

It gets worse if you follow the link to the original article - he started out by saying that “when you have women in the writers’ room, you don’t get comedy, you get conflict,” and then proceeded to “clarify” that idiocy by switching to “women don’t like conflict and comedy comes from conflict.” So, basically “blah

Ugh. I did not actually hear about people being pissed that Beyonce performed at the CMAs. I wish that was surprising news, but especially after this past week, there’s no way that people in this country being racist as fuck can be surprising. That does, however, confirm that America is both racist as fuck and stupid

The reveal was perfect. They built it up juuuuuuuuuuuust long enough that I was thinking, “But this show talks about period-poops and stuff like that all the time! Surely they’re not going to go this entire episode without actually saying the word ‘abortion’?” and then, bam, “I’ll get it since you just had an

I do not envy anyone who has to play a role made famous by Angela Lansbury. I have yet to see any such case that didn’t make me think, “...yeah, that was good, but Angela Lansbury did it better.” Which is especially impressive considering the range of the roles in question - it shouldn’t really be possible that

Erm, the cartoon had accents. American accents are accents. Having the British actors who are playing the leads put on American accents in order to play French people seems weirder to me than just letting them use their natural accents. (And besides, both the cartoon and live-action version have the utter weirdness of

Plus, after eight years of “the President’s name sounds African = ZOMG SECRET MUSLIM,” I imagine the racists who put Trump in office might get themselves a little worked up after they realized they were being led by President Ramón Estévez.

I have literally never read a Jerry Saltz piece that didn’t make me roll my eyes to an extreme degree. More than once, I’ve started reading a piece on some artist or work that I found interesting, thought, “Christ, this is some pretentious idiocy” and then scrolled up to check and see who wrote it. It’s always fucking

Yeah, I’m 100% on board with “Rebecca should not be in a relationship with anyone right now, should not end up with either of those two dudes, and should probably, in fact, end the series still single, since a big part of what makes the show clever is its subversion of rom-com tropes.” I am 0% on board with “no more

Again, I have no interest in sharing a party with someone who thinks calling people “tards” is appropriate behavior. I do not believe that the Democratic party should lower itself to court the votes of bigots. If that means my party loses, then that fucking sucks, but as far as I’m concerned, a “win” for a party that