
Did you also miss the part where she said that if comments like that were the worst thing Hillary said about her, she should be so lucky? Because Lewinsky, whatever else she may be, is not a moron and is capable of understanding that women whose husbands you screw probably will not say only kind and supportive things

While this is pretty unimportant given that no one should be using those words in 2016, you’ve actually got “quadroon” and “octoroon” backwards - a “quadroon” had one black grandparent and three white ones, and an “octoroon” had one black great-grandparent and seven white ones. (There were also “quintroons,” who had

Eh, I think “mulatto” isn’t so obscure that’s there’s anything weird about someone knowing the word. It’s still in common use in Latin American countries, and makes fairly regular appearances in novels set in the US before the 20th century. I mean, hell, if you sing along to “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” you know it.

If your kidnapped daughter came home after years of having been raped and abused and starved and treated as a slave, very possibly bearing visible scars from rape and abuse, very possibly visibly malnourished, very possibly pregnant with her rapist’s child or having already given birth to her rapist’s child, and was

I think it makes sense to treat mental health issues like you would any other disability. Which is to say: when they constitute a good reason why someone did or didn’t do something, then they’re a good reason, and when they don’t, then they aren’t. So, for example, you can recognize that your friend who uses a

You asked where the story was. I answered you, because I figured you were asking where the story was because you wanted to hear the story. I agree that calling a short narrated video an “essay” is a somewhat unconventional use of the word, but the video is still where the story can be found, which is what you asked.

That’s the point. Congress has passed laws mandating those things with regard to cars. They haven’t with regard to guns. Which is completely fucking stupid, but judges can only apply laws that exist, not ones we wish existed. The judge’s hands are tied here - this is the sort of thing that the legislature has to fix,

That is 100% what it means, and is pretty common practice in this sort of case where the judge knows that the laws as they currently exist are inadequate. Judges don’t have the authority to change laws, but they absolutely have the authority to say, “I have to dismiss this case, and the reason I have to do so is that

I think people are perfectly happy to have a bad word thought of McDonald’s, because McDonald’s was very much at fault in that case. People are less happy to have bad words thought of Stella Liebeck, who practically had her genitals melted off and just wanted McDonald’s to pay for the hospitalization and skin grafts

(Psst...that’s a video at the top of the page.)

While there’s no doubt that no single group has a monopoly on bigotry and that plenty of progressives hold bigoted views, I’m a little doubtful as to the results of that study, and would like to see how the researchers went about determining those results. Could you provide a link?

It amused the hell out of me that I could recognize the Discworld novels instantly just from that blurry picture. Sandman was comparatively easy seeing as he’s got the same editions I do and I actually store them together nicely, so I see that exact same tidy row of books on a regular basis, but my Pratchetts are

That’s beautiful. I particularly love how alarmed the elephant looks by its own asshole.

I think the fact that Dylan is a very talented songwriter and a pretty terrible singer is fairly universally agreed-upon, really. (An argument can be made that his singing has its own unique charm, certainly, but no one’s going to claim he’s got an especially mellifluous voice.)

As someone who agrees, I think the issue is fundamentally that it’s got very little in the way of roughness or edge. That’s not all Laverne’s fault - it’s not even mostly her fault, since, as the post says, everything else about the track makes it clear that “slick and polished” was the sound they were going for, but

I actually said, “The ‘deaf voice’ one was my favorite because that literally seems like something Trump would do!” immediately after watching that skit. I did not expect to be proven right quite so quickly.

So, I googled to see what the fuck Mr. Deplorable here is talking about, and it’s even stupider than it looks! Clinton jokes that she showed up for her “Lenny” interview because she thought it meant that she was going to be interviewed by Lenny Kravitz, Lena Dunham asks her if she saw the footage where his pants

I want to expand this into a super-sized robot-world in which huge areas are devoted to different sci-fi/fantasy worlds. I want to be able to attend classes at Hogwarts and then take a vacation to Lothlorien and then catch dinner and a show at Milliways before heading to the Ramtops to spend an evening learning all

Yeah, I’m similarly puzzled. Drug addiction and prescription drug abuse are serious problems that should be treated as such, but I don’t understand going straight from images of pills and pill bottles to “making light of deaths from opioid abuse.” Most people’s pills and pill bottles are medications that make them

I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and I hope your family is safe now and that the abusive shit who did that to you is long gone.