
Yes, exactly. I'm not saying "She sucks and this is why," just trying to articulate my reaction to this book and her work in general. I think a lot of the hate directed toward narcissistic writing and "memoirs" by young people is the same — annoyance that someone wrote a book about their boring privileged life,

This was one of the most intelligently written reviews/critiques of anything I've ever encountered on this site, and I hope we can look forward to more.

Am I the only one who thought Sofia's skit was satire? Clearly making fun of herself and the ridiculousness of having to use women so that people paid attention to the "boring segment" of all award shows? I think it's unfair that she's being targeted like this, especially after the ass parade that was the VMAs the

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

This bride is delusional if she thinks any of these friends give a shit in the first place.

Fifteen years ago last month American Airlines 1420 crashed in Little Rock. I was one of the 134 that survived. The captain along with ten passengers died. We left Dallas Fort Worth airport in an MD-82 around 8:30pm. I had just started a new job fresh out of college and was scheduled to meet a client in Bryant,

So inured to the posing that it is almost startling to see Marion Cotillard! So alive, natural, and present; next to her, all of these beautiful women look like pouty wax statues in freeze-frame. There is some "there, there" in her eyes.