Pig Lightning

Oh, yeah, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that I thought Preds fans were still like that. Those Finals crowds last year were unhinged.

If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.

One of the first things you learn in Contracts class in your first year of law school (at least in Texas) is that the disclaimers on the back of a ticket aren’t iron-clad. Just because a dry cleaner puts up a sign saying they’re not responsible for lost items doesn’t excuse them from exercising reasonable effort to

Thanks for reciting the talking point / odious legal principle about assumption of risk that protects a multi-billion dollar corporation from liability when preventable harm is done to its customers. (Hey kid, the legal disclaimer is on the back of the ticket! Sorry! What, you can’t read?)

I never stood for the pledge in school and was never physically assaulted for failing to do so. Maybe it’s because I’m white. Or that when asked I’d explain that only fascists try to get children to pledge their lives to a piece of cloth for a country owned by rich white men. My parents were radicals. Or maybe that I

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This is so sad. My first memory of Hüsker Dü was reading that “the loudest band on Earth” had broken up in my high school newspaper. When I later got into their music via Bob Mould’s solo work, I understood why whatever teenaged writer had deemed their breakup worthy of column inches was so upset.

His last couple of

On seeing the blowjob photo, Rex Ryan said, “Hot. But they could’ve left something to the imagination.”

That’s karma for that gaudy AF ceremony before kickoff where they sucked their own dicks dry like they were Steve Bannon

What I find most fascinating is that the clock was actually stopped when they did that because Jamabo went out of bounds. A&M should have figured out something was up at that point, but I guess they were already so stunned they weren’t thinking.

Bitch, you just referred to anti-fascists as fascist. Why don’t you sit the fuck down and let the adults sort this out.

Has anyone told you yet that the principles of capitalism are the basic foundation of American slavery? That modern capitalism was pretty much built on the transatlantic slave trade? That the surplus value extracted from new world slaves is what managed to finally allow the mercantile class to exceed the wealth of the

The DSA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocacy, activism and political engagement, not a political party. In fact lengthy sections of the conference were dedicated to the extent to which different chapters of the DSA should engage with their local democratic parties.

Bernie labels himself a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist in the Marxist vein. He has never said that people can not materially prosper and has modest wealth compared to other Senators and nothing compared to a trust fund plutocratic grifter like the orange shitstain that recently fell in to the White House. You

LOL you just suggested this article was on some “well, actually” mansplaining bullshit. Hmmm.

no worries Stig. the nation is big enough for a centrist democrat too! 

Yes, it’s a personality cult. I, for one, am instantly drawn to shambling old white men with terrible posture and a textbook case of Voice Immodulation Disorder.

Rahm Emmannuel, Andrew Cuomo, Corey Booker, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, I could go on, are all regressive pro corporate shills, bribed with dirty money. The color they care most about is green. They check the boxes on social issues but god forbid they would come out for something as basic as universal health care that

This is such divisive bullshit.

Also since the term was invented by the DNC to bring down Sanders.