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Between his stint with N.W.A. and his earlier solo release (appropriately titled AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted) Ice Cube was already established in the West Coast gangster rap scene for the release of Death Certificate. But lyrical themes of gun possession rights, the dangers of casual sex, the ineffectiveness of Jesse

Well, the PT Cruiser came out in 2000 as a 2001 model. So I’ll say that (2000).

“Mike! It’s like how the Yankees start the season already having won the World Series!”

-Vinny from Staten Island/Sal from the Bronx/Literally anyone who calls into WFAN

Phillin’ Up the Nantzy-Boy 153 min, $19.95
Oilers, Packers, and Bears, oh my! A tight end becomes a wide receiver after the whole team scores a touch down there. Practice your three-point stance and get ready to drive the ball into the end zone with this hot M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M-on-M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M action!

LeBron: Hey buddy, I just want to say that I’m really impressed with how you’ve been able to overcome your disabilities and become a great athlete. It must have been tough man, and I’m proud of you for doing it.

Five, bro?

Or something a farmer has on his reminders list every single morning.

His unusually long routes require a QB that can make a 12-step drop


Been miserably busy the last couple weeks and haven’t had time for my column. Damn holidays. I’ll be dropping the last honorable mention one day this week (tune in to find out!) then resuming after the new year with the list proper, and hopefully a fore-log to get things started.

Ohio would like to have a word with you

I am because I don’t talk about golf when at parties

His players offered to help him down, but Mr. Carroll passed.

I just bought a Porsche 944 Turbo. Stay tuned.

That’s because this series is called “found on ebay.” It’s not a car review and it’s not a validation of the seller’s integrity. Anyone considering a purchase valued at tens of thousands of dollars should exercise caution in any situation, whether it was written up on Jalopnik or not. Any used car purchase comes with

If they were really Sikh, they should have just stayed home and rested up anyway.

I’d be more surprised if you told he was voting for anybody else. Literally anybody else.

$100.00 says he’s not even registered.

They also turn traction control off because it kills the fun and I can totally handle it, I’ve driven this car so many times in Gran Turismo!