
UAW or not, it's not like there aren't already quality control issues with US-produced VW's. Unionization is neither here nor there, so far as production quality goes.

There are some wicked Youtube uploads showing 2.5 EVO models accelerating.....what with their 10000 RPM tachometers and happy-revving nature.

Worth a mention, if only for its rarity....

Also looks like base powerplant for the new, lighter Golf will be a 1.8T variant.

Just about every Honda slusher you see out there, from '87 Accords to brand new Acuras, will eventually develop a flare into second. It will be toast soon after.

My friends and I, doing massive bong rips at my parents' house in the late 90's, remember this car from Need for Speed on Sega Saturn. I liked the sound of the 911 better, though.

Rather obscure mention goes to the slow destruction/beating of the Dodge Diplomat in "Short Time," an otherwise forgettable Dabney Coleman flick. If I recall, its a long lasting chase, too.

In Albany, NY area, I will be paying $3.88 at the station down the street...unless they've raised their price since midnight.

Ford service advisor: "We've never had anyone complain about noise from that gearbox." (re: MTX-75, Foci)

Years ago, this guy brought in an old Mazda B-series that wouldn't move....it was also stuck in gear. Guy goes on to explain that he had packed the gearbox full of grease (!!!) on account of a friend who told him it would improve shifts.... must've been 50 bucks worth of grease on the inside of the case, surrounding

Are there more adolescent sociopaths than there used to be, or are we just exposed to it more ?

Idiots are NOT in the minority, when using driving ability as a gauge.

Because compromise is about giving up almost everything you originally wanted. And then some.

Oh, if the brand-marketers could have only seen into the future; could've addressed the whole "unregistered plow-truck behind the shop" angle.

Nothing wrong with a little "Night Driver" (arcade of course). This game was nearly as creepy as those older gentlemen who used to hang out in arcades circa 1981.

Massive stress on the entire drivetrain, no ? Just gimme a nice 4kQ.

So we know those over-tanned, 50-something secretaries with smokers' voice and a Mustang drop-top all lean to the right, I take it.

Absolutely a best-kept secret. I convinced my father-in-law to test drive one of these along with Accords and Camrys...he ended up with the AWD Kizashi. It has great manners on the road, and its' build quality is amazing....more like a German or Swedish car.

Rather buy a good roller and use the rest of the cash for 16v turbo build. Better yet, steer away from the Corrado completely, go with an MK1 to get simplicity and the best power-to-weight ratio.

At this point, Ford should be more concerned with whether all their PowerShart Fiestas are able to move forward (or even backward) once started.