
I really didn’t pick up on the ‘sexism’ at all in Mad Max either. If it's the SJW kind of sexism than I'm not buying it.

This is something that would be a top 3 issue on the Democratic side were it brought up today.

The ‘nobody would care’ argument is moot because the game on its own merits would be master crafted just like every game Valve has ever produced.

Ehhh you'd still buy it cmon man.

O, regular season NBA in 2016. A glorified welfare line where physically gifted athletes go to collect a paycheck and tweet their outfits.

99.9% of people who play CS aren’t pros.

People were calling in all day on Francesa claiming they've gotten them for $2

Red Sox and Angels do the same if I’m correct. It’s because the Yankees set up this ‘Grand’ experience with free drinks and food and a fucking moat to further separate the rich from the peons for anyone who bought Legends Seats.

It’s a shitty situation for fans but the Yankees are trying desperately to keep their season ticket holders who pay for the pricy tickets. These fans are already pissed they signed a 3 year season ticket deal and the team blows, *SUPPOSEDLY, having people that sit next to them who get the legend tickers for $20 is

WWE sets a match with a non wrestler and a 55 year old wrestler and it’s the most interesting match on the card because guess what? It actually has an interesting story attached to it! Amazing WWE what you can do when you dig up interesting story arcs again.

And God forbid their lives improved one bit as a result. God forbid. It would be worse than Trump nuking an orphanage.

Lies. We all know Hillary only wins with Spades

I would bet the 6'5 guys that shit post on this site couldn’t get net

I had a Golden Retriever growing up and when he had to be put down at age 14, I was getting ready to play a baseball game in college and my mom called me and told me it was time. I was 100 miles away and couldn’t make it. I hit a homerun that game and was fighting tears rounding the bases.

*Fires up UTorrent*

Is that from a Limp Bizkit song?

Besides the times I go to Watch an ex team mate pitch at Mets games, yes, that’s what I do.

Lmao you think about cheating a whole lot

Rules of life