So every time their affair is brought up people love to bring out the “22 is not a child argument”. Here is the thing:
So every time their affair is brought up people love to bring out the “22 is not a child argument”. Here is the thing:
Except Jimmy Carter. He’s still a force of good in the world.
He helped orchestrate the mass incarceration of non-violent black men, which made the US a leader worldwide. One big bonus was that those men weren’t counted in the unemployment stats so Clinton led us to think those people were employed.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t remember his presidency. The “losers” you speak of are people who lost the social safety net, lost protection from monopolies, lost the regulation of banks, and lost their union rights, all under Bill.
Politicians should be like cartons of milk and be labeled “Do not use after (this) date”
Why is the target of this article Jack? Shouldn’t it be all of the artists who work with him? Why is it his responsibility to say “no” when asked to help with a song or album? Why isn’t it Taylor Swift’s responsibility to not ask him in the first place?
Sorry, but without painting his face white I really didn’t have a clue who Al Roker was supposed to be.
I’m sure you’ve heard, but UK eggs are different
Maybe Comedy Central getting the syndication rights could be a potential lifeline. They’re not new to saving a beloved animated series for a revival.
Wait. This is actually a thing people are doing? At work?
Held it together pretty A-OK until I saw that one of the victims was a Holocaust survivor. Escaped genocide just to die at the hands of a single lunatic enabled by the leader of the country she fled to for sanctuary more than half a century later. Fuck guns, fuck Trump, fuck this death spiral of hate most of America’s…
I still can’t get over the bald fact that Trump, the American president, responded to a guy shooting up Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood with an AR-15, with the comment that we need to arm our houses of worship.
Breaking: 45 is considering cancelling his ralley tonight. Like: give up worship to his person. WH staff must be really putting pressure on him now, after that disastrous speech.
Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh is literally Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. His house stands three blocks from the synagogue where today’s shooting took place and that little diorama of his community represented the community where this occurred.
is believed to be a while male armed with an AR-15 and multiple handguns.
Maybe read past the headline and then you will understand. Why do expect to find answers in the comments when you could just read the entire piece?
Oh, sorry, I think you’re misreading the headline. The show depicts witchcraft as being tainted by patriarchal values, but Sabrina is rejecting that to demand her bodily autonomy.
This show is explicitly about Sabrina rejecting the patriarchal system of hell. Are you saying patriarchy shouldn’t be depicted in the media?
Presumably, to explore an interactive narrative.