
Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,

Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?

I mean this when I say it:  fuck these shit fuckers. I hope they die terrible, terrible deaths, alone and screaming for help. 

This is the one thing I’ve never understood when it comes to cheating. Why does the cheated on partner go after the other person and NOT the person who they were in a relationship with and who actually did something wrong? (this happens no matter the genders/orientation involved)

Cardi B needs to understand that cheating men enjoy the drama. It’s a power play. Their egos need multiple women attacking each other over them. Direct your anger at the source not the accomplice.

“Latinx” is used as a gender-neutral substitution for Latina/Latino.

Wow, not since the heady days of Benetton in the 80s have I felt so optimistic about the chances of achieving world peace through consumerism.

End the series, she has been the sun -the centre, the light-, the gravity of it from the start. Shameless is Finoa and her crazy adventures. 9 Seasons is long enough as is, let it end without turning it into Frankenstein’s monster.

Is it really so far-fetched to imagine that maybe they’re, you know, best friends? If they’re officially lovers, that’s cool, but any time two characters are close (same or opposite sex) it seems like the natural fan reaction is “oh dey fuckin”. It starts to get a little stale and one-note.

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

Bobby, I fully support your completely valid Chazelle take.

I would rather eat delicious fancy-ass cheese now than see my 90th birthday. Idgaf.

I guessed Amma was the killer in the first episode. Everything about her personality and behavior indicated sociopathy. It all made perfect sense in the last 2 episodes when the poisoning was revealed. I have a new love for Amy Adams. Her darkness was enthralling. I’m just glad I stayed through the closing credits and

I don’t agree with this take. I’ve never read the book and felt like it was pretty obvious that Amma was capable of the murders. She indicated that her friends would do anything for her, she’s manipulative and cruel often, and her motive is strengthened throughout the series. Think Calhoun day when she stops receiving

So why the fuck is this guy talking to TMZ and not in jail now? He literally admitted to giving her the drugs that caused her overdose, and “I’m not trying to hurt my friend” is a shitty excuse for giving someone opiods with a history of abusing them and makes you a shitty “friend”.

Ivanka has a lot of nerve supporting the empowerment of women on the anniversary of (non-black) women’s right to vote when she favors a party that wants to limit the control women have over their bodies, a party that has no interest in increasing the minimum wage, a party that is anti-welfare, a party that doesn’t

He was on an episode! IIRC, they refused to work on him. Something about body dysmorphia and/or his nose falling off? I'm too lazy to Google.

That moment is going to get blasted around a lot today. But here is the thing to remember. Trump shit all over him for being a POW, then McCain voted in line with what Trump wanted 80% of the time. I get the idea that 80% is better than 100% but it’s still shitty and spineless.

“This narrative about how we drag race contestants owe our lives to “RuPaul’s Drag Race”–that needs to completely change.”

Jennifer Garner seems to value keeping the father of her children alive. More stories about celebrity compassion, please. Even if you have to make them up.