
You forgot that she said she got rid of the chicken skin cause it was “gross” and Ayesha said “We don’t get rid of it. It’s not gross.”

Now playing

John Oliver’s reminder on why she is awful...

I’ve made this comment a kajillion times already, but I think kajillion+1 is ok. This was never about politics or ideology or education or economics or even race. These are fundamentally damaged people. They are subhuman, literally less than human. We are witnessing the devolution of man in real time.

It has to be. It’s deficient. It’s missing something. Whatever exists in the brain that facilitates empathy, they don’t have it.

I don’t understand the conservative mind. I think it must be fundamentally different than mine on a structural level.

California had several of the worst Indian massacres with Bloody Island not even the worst. Old Shasta Town (300 dead), Indian Island (200+ dead), Yontoket (450 dead), Oak Run(300 dead).

She probably was and was too busy practicing her European Madonna accent on <insert Greek Island>.

Cool. Your anecdotal evidence has already been included and is being weighed alongside people with similar experience and a different opinion.

Boom, Bobby!

We’ve informally reached out to a few people who work in TV news who confirm there isn’t a specific hard break until the end of the hour. This break occurred during the show’s first half.

I actually compete at Smash monthly. And I enjoy how seriously you are taking this very, very serious list. Have a great day, IceSprite!

R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.

’m sorry I wasn’t aware we always had to agree with our husbands.

Normally you have good opinions, but this is not one of them.

2 years ago, the suggestion that the Justice Department would try to collect data on who “liked” a Facebook page would be considered a tinfoil hat conspiracy.

... cultural wasteland?!?

Spoiler alert: my new avi.

:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.

But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character