
I'm okay with less Kalinda. The character got a lot of screen time last year and I don't really know where they could take her at this point.

I like it so far. It looks great on my tablet—where I do most of my browsing.

It's Brody's. The Behind-the-scenes thing says it is.

This is a really great idea so I doubt it will happen.

Caught the full episode this week since The Good Wife was delayed. Surprised by how much I liked this. The show still isn't great by any definition but I wasn't bored out of my mind this week. I think the flu is an interesting problem and probably the best arc the show has ever really done up to this point. I continue

Definitely thought "oh come the fuck on" at the reveal at the end of this episode. Something about it felt a little too "star wars prequels" in that everyone's backstories had to be connected in some kind of coincidental (well, conspiratorial technically) way. I'm definitely willing to believe that Remington can still

I also hope the mom isn't alive because that would be a page directly out of "Prison Break" more or less (I mean, in addition to just generally being a cliche)

This was also my reading of it.

Ah. Yes. This makes sense. Of course. Why didn't I think of this.

That's hilarious.

It helps I think, that Doggett's backstory (as far as I can remember anyway) doesn't tie into any kind of conspiracy the same way that Mulder's sister did. Dogget wasn't destined to be the guy doing the X-Files in the same way Mulder was.

I noticed that too. For my money though the absolute worst show:commercial-break ratio was House. By the time that show was in its last legs you could easily be watching a 4 minute scene followed by a 7 minute commercial break and then another 4 or 5 minute scene with clunky and obvious product placement.

He was in a special baby-sized bunker.

-I thought the actual hostage situation was the weakest aspect of the episode. The hostages got swept out pretty quickly while the case part of it was a little rushed and even a bit dull (aside from it’s obvious thematic connection to whatever Fitz did in Operation Remington that, as Cyrus put it last season, isn’t

what a great story

I am never ever caught up with this show.  And the fact that I keep finding myself really bored by it is a big reason why. Maybe it's the pacing? I feel like there's a big disconnect between the premise (there are zombies, civilization is dead) and nearly all of the stories on-screen.

Ah cool. Always enjoy a small random running gag tucked in episodes.

As much as I love Elsbeth I'd hate to risk diminishing returns with her as a regular. She's basically like a Shaman operating with a different set of rules than everyone else in this universe and I'd hate to see that get toned down to have her be believable with everyone else week to week.

This is the third episode in a row the bleating goat viral video has shown up and it's such a bizarre non sequitur that was really funny to me this week for some reason.

The look of season 8 is a lot better than the previous two seasons. I missed last week but the difference between the end of season 7 and the start of season 8 feels like a really big step up visually. It actually feels like the X-Files again.